rdkit.Chem.rdDetermineBonds module¶
Module containing a C++ implementation of the xyz2mol algorithm. This is based on xyz2mol: https://github.com/jensengroup/xyz2mol
- rdkit.Chem.rdDetermineBonds.DetermineBondOrders((Mol)mol[, (int)charge=0[, (bool)allowChargedFragments=True[, (bool)embedChiral=True[, (bool)useAtomMap=False]]]]) None : ¶
Assigns atomic connectivity to a molecule using atomic coordinates, disregarding pre-existing bonds
- Parameters:
mol – the molecule of interest; it must have a 3D conformer
charge – (optional) the charge of the molecule; it must be provided if the Hueckel method is used and charge is non-zero
allowChargedFragments – (optional) if this is true, formal charges will be placed on atoms according to their valency; otherwise, radical electrons will be placed on the atoms
embedChiral – (optional) if this is true, chirality information will be embedded into the molecule; the function calls sanitizeMol() when this is true
useAtomMap – (optional) if this is true, an atom map will be created for the molecule
- C++ signature :
void DetermineBondOrders(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} [,int=0 [,bool=True [,bool=True [,bool=False]]]])
- rdkit.Chem.rdDetermineBonds.DetermineBonds((Mol)mol[, (bool)useHueckel=False[, (int)charge=0[, (float)covFactor=1.3[, (bool)allowChargedFragments=True[, (bool)embedChiral=True[, (bool)useAtomMap=False[, (bool)useVdw=False]]]]]]]) None : ¶
Assigns atomic connectivity to a molecule using atomic coordinates, disregarding pre-existing bonds
- Parameters:
mol – the molecule of interest; it must have a 3D conformer
useHueckel – (optional) if this is true, extended Hueckel theory will be used to determine connectivity rather than the van der Waals or connect-the-dots methods
charge – (optional) the charge of the molecule; it must be provided if the Hueckel method is used and charge is non-zero
covFactor – (optional) the factor with which to multiply each covalent radius if the van der Waals method is used
allowChargedFragments – (optional) if this is true, formal charges will be placed on atoms according to their valency; otherwise, radical electrons will be placed on the atoms
embedChiral – (optional) if this is true, chirality information will be embedded into the molecule; the function calls sanitizeMol() when this is true
useAtomMap – (optional) if this is true, an atom map will be created for the molecule
useVdw – (optional) if this is false, the connect-the-dots method will be used instead of the van der Waals method
- C++ signature :
void DetermineBonds(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} [,bool=False [,int=0 [,double=1.3 [,bool=True [,bool=True [,bool=False [,bool=False]]]]]]])
- rdkit.Chem.rdDetermineBonds.DetermineConnectivity((Mol)mol[, (bool)useHueckel=False[, (int)charge=0[, (float)covFactor=1.3[, (bool)useVdw=False]]]]) None : ¶
Assigns atomic connectivity to a molecule using atomic coordinates, disregarding pre-existing bonds
- Parameters:
mol – the molecule of interest; it must have a 3D conformer
useHueckel – (optional) if this is c true, extended Hueckel theory will be used to determine connectivity rather than the van der Waals or connect-the-dots methods
charge – (optional) the charge of the molecule; it must be provided if the Hueckel method is used and charge is non-zero
covFactor – (optional) the factor with which to multiply each covalent radius if the van der Waals method is used
useVdw – (optional) if this is false, the connect-the-dots method will be used instead of the van der Waals method
- C++ signature :
void DetermineConnectivity(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} [,bool=False [,int=0 [,double=1.3 [,bool=False]]]])
- rdkit.Chem.rdDetermineBonds.hueckelEnabled() bool : ¶
whether or not the RDKit was compiled with YAeHMOP support
- C++ signature :
bool hueckelEnabled()