rdkit.ForceField.rdForceField module¶
Exposes the ForceField class
- class rdkit.ForceField.rdForceField.ForceField¶
A force field
Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python
- AddDistanceConstraint((ForceField)self, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (float)minLen, (float)maxLen, (float)forceConstant) None : ¶
Adds a distance constraint to the UFF force field (deprecated, use UFFAddDistanceConstraint instead).
- C++ signature :
void AddDistanceConstraint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int,unsigned int,double,double,double)
- AddExtraPoint((ForceField)self, (float)x, (float)y, (float)z[, (bool)fixed=True]) int : ¶
Adds an extra point, this can be useful for adding constraints.
- C++ signature :
int AddExtraPoint(ForceFields::PyForceField {lvalue},double,double,double [,bool=True])
- AddFixedPoint((ForceField)self, (int)idx) None : ¶
Adds a fixed point to the force field.
- C++ signature :
void AddFixedPoint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int)
- CalcEnergy((ForceField)self[, (AtomPairsParameters)pos=None]) float : ¶
Returns the energy (in kcal/mol) of the current arrangement or of the supplied coordinate list (if non-empty)
- C++ signature :
double CalcEnergy(ForceFields::PyForceField {lvalue} [,boost::python::api::object=None])
- CalcGrad((ForceField)self[, (AtomPairsParameters)pos=None]) object : ¶
Returns a tuple filled with the per-coordinate gradients of the current arrangement or of the supplied coordinate list (if non-empty)
- C++ signature :
_object* CalcGrad(ForceFields::PyForceField {lvalue} [,boost::python::api::object=None])
- Dimension((ForceField)self) int : ¶
Returns the dimension of the ForceField
- C++ signature :
unsigned int Dimension(ForceFields::PyForceField {lvalue})
- GetExtraPointPos((ForceField)self, (int)idx) object : ¶
returns the location of an extra point as a tuple
- C++ signature :
_object* GetExtraPointPos(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int)
- Initialize((ForceField)self) None : ¶
initializes the force field (call this before minimizing)
- C++ signature :
void Initialize(ForceFields::PyForceField {lvalue})
- MMFFAddAngleConstraint((ForceField)self, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (int)idx3, (bool)relative, (float)minAngleDeg, (float)maxAngleDeg, (float)forceConstant) None : ¶
Adds an angle constraint to the MMFF force field; if relative == True, then minAngleDeg and maxAngleDeg are intended as relative to the current angle.
- C++ signature :
void MMFFAddAngleConstraint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,bool,double,double,double)
- MMFFAddDistanceConstraint((ForceField)self, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (bool)relative, (float)minLen, (float)maxLen, (float)forceConstant) None : ¶
Adds a distance constraint to the MMFF force field; if relative == True, then minLen and maxLen are intended as relative to the current distance.
- C++ signature :
void MMFFAddDistanceConstraint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int,unsigned int,bool,double,double,double)
- MMFFAddPositionConstraint((ForceField)self, (int)idx, (float)maxDispl, (float)forceConstant) None : ¶
Adds a position constraint to the MMFF force field.
- C++ signature :
void MMFFAddPositionConstraint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int,double,double)
- MMFFAddTorsionConstraint((ForceField)self, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (int)idx3, (int)idx4, (bool)relative, (float)minDihedralDeg, (float)maxDihedralDeg, (float)forceConstant) None : ¶
Adds a dihedral angle constraint to the MMFF force field; if relative == True, then minDihedralDeg and maxDihedralDeg are intended as relative to the current dihedral angle.
- C++ signature :
void MMFFAddTorsionConstraint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,bool,double,double,double)
- Minimize((ForceField)self[, (int)maxIts=200[, (float)forceTol=0.0001[, (float)energyTol=1e-06]]]) int : ¶
Runs some minimization iterations.
Returns 0 if the minimization succeeded.
- C++ signature :
int Minimize(ForceFields::PyForceField {lvalue} [,int=200 [,double=0.0001 [,double=1e-06]]])
- MinimizeTrajectory((ForceField)self, (int)snapshotFreq[, (int)maxIts=200[, (float)forceTol=0.0001[, (float)energyTol=1e-06]]]) tuple : ¶
Runs some minimization iterations, recording the minimization trajectory every snapshotFreq steps.
Returns a (int, []) tuple; the int is 0 if the minimization succeeded, while the list contains Snapshot objects.
- C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple MinimizeTrajectory(ForceFields::PyForceField {lvalue},unsigned int [,int=200 [,double=0.0001 [,double=1e-06]]])
- NumPoints((ForceField)self) int : ¶
Returns the number of points the ForceField is handling
- C++ signature :
unsigned int NumPoints(ForceFields::PyForceField {lvalue})
- Positions((ForceField)self) object : ¶
Returns a tuple filled with the coordinates of the points the ForceField is handling
- C++ signature :
_object* Positions(ForceFields::PyForceField {lvalue})
- UFFAddAngleConstraint((ForceField)self, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (int)idx3, (bool)relative, (float)minAngleDeg, (float)maxAngleDeg, (float)forceConstant) None : ¶
Adds an angle constraint to the UFF force field; if relative == True, then minAngleDeg and maxAngleDeg are intended as relative to the current angle.
- C++ signature :
void UFFAddAngleConstraint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,bool,double,double,double)
- UFFAddDistanceConstraint((ForceField)self, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (bool)relative, (float)minLen, (float)maxLen, (float)forceConstant) None : ¶
Adds a distance constraint to the UFF force field; if relative == True, then minLen and maxLen are intended as relative to the current distance.
- C++ signature :
void UFFAddDistanceConstraint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int,unsigned int,bool,double,double,double)
- UFFAddPositionConstraint((ForceField)self, (int)idx, (float)maxDispl, (float)forceConstant) None : ¶
Adds a position constraint to the UFF force field.
- C++ signature :
void UFFAddPositionConstraint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int,double,double)
- UFFAddTorsionConstraint((ForceField)self, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (int)idx3, (int)idx4, (bool)relative, (float)minDihedralDeg, (float)maxDihedralDeg, (float)forceConstant) None : ¶
Adds a dihedral angle constraint to the UFF force field; if relative == True, then minDihedralDeg and maxDihedralDeg are intended as relative to the current dihedral angle.
- C++ signature :
void UFFAddTorsionConstraint(ForceFields::PyForceField*,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,bool,double,double,double)
- class rdkit.ForceField.rdForceField.MMFFMolProperties¶
MMFF molecular properties
Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python
- GetMMFFAngleBendParams((MMFFMolProperties)self, (Mol)mol, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (int)idx3) object : ¶
Retrieves MMFF angle bend parameters for atoms with indexes idx1, idx2, idx3 as a (angleType, ka, theta0) tuple, or None if no parameters could be found
- C++ signature :
_object* GetMMFFAngleBendParams(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int)
- GetMMFFAtomType((MMFFMolProperties)self, (int)idx) int : ¶
Retrieves MMFF atom type for atom with index idx
- C++ signature :
unsigned int GetMMFFAtomType(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue},unsigned int)
- GetMMFFBondStretchParams((MMFFMolProperties)self, (Mol)mol, (int)idx1, (int)idx2) object : ¶
Retrieves MMFF bond stretch parameters for atoms with indexes idx1, idx2 as a (bondType, kb, r0) tuple, or None if no parameters could be found
- C++ signature :
_object* GetMMFFBondStretchParams(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol,unsigned int,unsigned int)
- GetMMFFFormalCharge((MMFFMolProperties)self, (int)idx) float : ¶
Retrieves MMFF formal charge for atom with index idx
- C++ signature :
double GetMMFFFormalCharge(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue},unsigned int)
- GetMMFFOopBendParams((MMFFMolProperties)self, (Mol)mol, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (int)idx3, (int)idx4) object : ¶
Retrieves MMFF out-of-plane bending force constant for atoms with indexes idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4 as a koop float value
- C++ signature :
_object* GetMMFFOopBendParams(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int)
- GetMMFFPartialCharge((MMFFMolProperties)self, (int)idx) float : ¶
Retrieves MMFF partial charge for atom with index idx
- C++ signature :
double GetMMFFPartialCharge(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue},unsigned int)
- GetMMFFStretchBendParams((MMFFMolProperties)self, (Mol)mol, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (int)idx3) object : ¶
Retrieves MMFF stretch-bend parameters for atoms with indexes idx1, idx2, idx3 as a (stretchBendType, kbaIJK, kbaKJI) tuple, or None if no parameters could be found
- C++ signature :
_object* GetMMFFStretchBendParams(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int)
- GetMMFFTorsionParams((MMFFMolProperties)self, (Mol)mol, (int)idx1, (int)idx2, (int)idx3, (int)idx4) object : ¶
Retrieves MMFF torsion parameters for atoms with indexes idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4 as a (torsionType, V1, V2, V3) tuple, or None if no parameters could be found
- C++ signature :
_object* GetMMFFTorsionParams(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int)
- GetMMFFVdWParams((MMFFMolProperties)self, (int)idx1, (int)idx2) object : ¶
Retrieves MMFF van der Waals parameters for atoms with indexes idx1, idx2 as a (R_ij_starUnscaled, epsilonUnscaled, R_ij_star, epsilon) tuple, or None if no parameters could be found
- C++ signature :
_object* GetMMFFVdWParams(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue},unsigned int,unsigned int)
- SetMMFFAngleTerm((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (bool)state=True]) None : ¶
Sets the angle term to be included in the MMFF equation (defaults to True)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFAngleTerm(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,bool=True])
- SetMMFFBondTerm((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (bool)state=True]) None : ¶
Sets the bond term to be included in the MMFF equation (defaults to True)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFBondTerm(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,bool=True])
- SetMMFFDielectricConstant((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (float)dielConst=1.0]) None : ¶
Sets the DielConst MMFF property (defaults to 1.0)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFDielectricConstant(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,double=1.0])
- SetMMFFDielectricModel((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (int)dielModel=1]) None : ¶
Sets the DielModel MMFF property (1: constant; 2: distance-dependent; defaults to constant)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFDielectricModel(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,unsigned char=1])
- SetMMFFEleTerm((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (bool)state=True]) None : ¶
Sets the electrostatic term to be included in the MMFF equation (defaults to True)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFEleTerm(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,bool=True])
- SetMMFFOopTerm((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (bool)state=True]) None : ¶
Sets the out-of-plane bend term to be included in the MMFF equation (defaults to True)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFOopTerm(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,bool=True])
- SetMMFFStretchBendTerm((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (bool)state=True]) None : ¶
Sets the stretch-bend term to be included in the MMFF equation (defaults to True)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFStretchBendTerm(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,bool=True])
- SetMMFFTorsionTerm((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (bool)state=True]) None : ¶
Sets the torsional term to be included in the MMFF equation (defaults to True)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFTorsionTerm(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,bool=True])
- SetMMFFVariant((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (str)mmffVariant='MMFF94']) None : ¶
Sets the MMFF variant to be used (“MMFF94” or “MMFF94s”; defaults to “MMFF94”)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFVariant(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >=’MMFF94’])
- SetMMFFVdWTerm((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (bool)state=True]) None : ¶
Sets the Van der Waals term to be included in the MMFF equation (defaults to True)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFVdWTerm(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,bool=True])
- SetMMFFVerbosity((MMFFMolProperties)self[, (int)verbosity=0]) None : ¶
Sets the MMFF verbosity (0: none; 1: low; 2: high; defaults to 0)
- C++ signature :
void SetMMFFVerbosity(ForceFields::PyMMFFMolProperties {lvalue} [,unsigned int=0])