rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry module

Module containing geometry objects like points, grids, etc

rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.ComputeDihedralAngle((Point3D)pt1, (Point3D)pt2, (Point3D)pt3, (Point3D)pt4) float :

calculates the dihedral angle determined by four Point3D objects

C++ signature :

double ComputeDihedralAngle(RDGeom::Point3D,RDGeom::Point3D,RDGeom::Point3D,RDGeom::Point3D)

rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.ComputeGridCentroid((UniformGrid3D_)grid, (Point3D)pt, (float)windowRadius) tuple :

Compute the grid point at the center of sphere around a Point3D

C++ signature :

boost::python::tuple ComputeGridCentroid(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,RDGeom::Point3D,double)

rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.ComputeSignedDihedralAngle((Point3D)pt1, (Point3D)pt2, (Point3D)pt3, (Point3D)pt4) float :

calculates the signed dihedral angle determined by four Point3D objects

C++ signature :

double ComputeSignedDihedralAngle(RDGeom::Point3D,RDGeom::Point3D,RDGeom::Point3D,RDGeom::Point3D)

rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.FindGridTerminalPoints((UniformGrid3D_)grid, (float)windowRadius, (float)inclusionFraction) tuple :

Find a grid’s terminal points (defined in the subshape algorithm).

C++ signature :

boost::python::tuple FindGridTerminalPoints(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,double,double)

class rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.Point2D((object)self)

Bases: instance

A class to represent a two-dimensional point

Default Constructor

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

__init__( (object)self, (float)xv, (float)yv) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,double,double)

__init__( (object)self, (Point3D)other) -> None :

construct from a Point3D (ignoring the z component)

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,RDGeom::Point3D)

AngleTo((Point2D)self, (Point2D)other) float :

determines the angle between a vector to this point (between 0 and PI)

C++ signature :

double AngleTo(RDGeom::Point2D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point2D)

DirectionVector((Point2D)self, (Point2D)other) Point2D :

return a normalized direction vector from this point to another

C++ signature :

RDGeom::Point2D DirectionVector(RDGeom::Point2D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point2D)

DotProduct((Point2D)self, (Point2D)other) float :

Dot product with another point

C++ signature :

double DotProduct(RDGeom::Point2D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point2D)

Length((Point2D)self) float :

Length of the vector

C++ signature :

double Length(RDGeom::Point2D {lvalue})

LengthSq((Point2D)self) float :

Square of the length

C++ signature :

double LengthSq(RDGeom::Point2D {lvalue})

Normalize((Point2D)self) None :

Normalize the vector (using L2 norm)

C++ signature :

void Normalize(RDGeom::Point2D {lvalue})

SignedAngleTo((Point2D)self, (Point2D)other) float :

determines the signed angle between a vector to this point (between 0 and 2*PI)

C++ signature :

double SignedAngleTo(RDGeom::Point2D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point2D)

property x
property y
class rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.Point3D((object)self)

Bases: instance

A class to represent a three-dimensional point The x, y, and z coordinates can be read and written using either attributes (i.e. pt.x = 4) or indexing (i.e. pt[0] = 4).

Default Constructor

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

__init__( (object)self, (float)xv, (float)yv, (float)zv) -> None :

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,double,double,double)

AngleTo((Point3D)self, (Point3D)other) float :

determines the angle between a vector to this point (between 0 and PI)

C++ signature :

double AngleTo(RDGeom::Point3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D)

CrossProduct((Point3D)self, (Point3D)other) Point3D :

Get the cross product between two points

C++ signature :

RDGeom::Point3D CrossProduct(RDGeom::Point3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D)

DirectionVector((Point3D)self, (Point3D)other) Point3D :

return a normalized direction vector from this point to another

C++ signature :

RDGeom::Point3D DirectionVector(RDGeom::Point3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D)

Distance((Point3D)self, (Point3D)pt2) float :

Distance from this point to another point

C++ signature :

double Distance(RDGeom::Point3D,RDGeom::Point3D)

DotProduct((Point3D)self, (Point3D)other) float :

Dot product with another point

C++ signature :

double DotProduct(RDGeom::Point3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D)

Length((Point3D)self) float :

Length of the vector

C++ signature :

double Length(RDGeom::Point3D {lvalue})

LengthSq((Point3D)self) float :

Square of the length

C++ signature :

double LengthSq(RDGeom::Point3D {lvalue})

Normalize((Point3D)self) None :

Normalize the vector (using L2 norm)

C++ signature :

void Normalize(RDGeom::Point3D {lvalue})

SignedAngleTo((Point3D)self, (Point3D)other) float :

determines the signed angle between a vector to this point (between 0 and 2*PI)

C++ signature :

double SignedAngleTo(RDGeom::Point3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D)

property x
property y
property z
class rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.PointND((object)self, (int)dim)

Bases: instance

A class to represent an N-dimensional point

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,unsigned int)

AngleTo((PointND)self, (PointND)other) float :

determines the angle between a vector to this point (between 0 and PI)

C++ signature :

double AngleTo(RDGeom::PointND {lvalue},RDGeom::PointND)

DirectionVector((PointND)self, (PointND)other) PointND :

return a normalized direction vector from this point to another

C++ signature :

RDGeom::PointND DirectionVector(RDGeom::PointND {lvalue},RDGeom::PointND)

Distance((Point3D)self, (Point3D)pt2) float :

Distance from this point to another point

C++ signature :

double Distance(RDGeom::Point3D,RDGeom::Point3D)

DotProduct((PointND)self, (PointND)other) float :

Dot product with another point

C++ signature :

double DotProduct(RDGeom::PointND {lvalue},RDGeom::PointND)

Length((PointND)self) float :

Length of the vector

C++ signature :

double Length(RDGeom::PointND {lvalue})

LengthSq((PointND)self) float :

Square of the length

C++ signature :

double LengthSq(RDGeom::PointND {lvalue})

Normalize((PointND)self) None :

Normalize the vector (using L2 norm)

C++ signature :

void Normalize(RDGeom::PointND {lvalue})

rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.ProtrudeDistance((UniformGrid3D_)grid1, (UniformGrid3D_)grid2) float :

Compute the protrude distance between two grid objects

C++ signature :

double ProtrudeDistance(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,RDGeom::UniformGrid3D)

rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.TanimotoDistance((UniformGrid3D_)grid1, (UniformGrid3D_)grid2) float :

Compute the tanimoto distance between two grid objects

C++ signature :

double TanimotoDistance(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,RDGeom::UniformGrid3D)

rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.TverskyIndex((UniformGrid3D_)grid1, (UniformGrid3D_)grid2, (float)alpha, (float)beta) float :

Compute the tversky index between two grid objects

C++ signature :

double TverskyIndex(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,double,double)

rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.UniformGrid3D((float)dimX, (float)dimY, (float)dimZ[, (float)spacing=0.5[, (DiscreteValueType)valType=rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.DiscreteValueType.TWOBITVALUE[, (Point3D)offSet=None]]]) UniformGrid3D_ :

Faking the constructor

C++ signature :

RDGeom::UniformGrid3D* UniformGrid3D(double,double,double [,double=0.5 [,RDKit::DiscreteValueVect::DiscreteValueType=rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.DiscreteValueType.TWOBITVALUE [,RDGeom::Point3D const*=None]]])

class rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.UniformGrid3D_((object)self, (str)pkl)

Bases: instance

Class to represent a uniform three-dimensional cubic grid. Each grid point can store a poisitive integer value. For the sake of efficiency these value can either be binary, fit in 2, 4, 8 or 16 bits

pickle constructor

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)

CompareParams((UniformGrid3D_)self, (UniformGrid3D_)other) bool :

Compare the parameters between two grid object

C++ signature :

bool CompareParams(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue},RDGeom::UniformGrid3D)

GetGridIndex((UniformGrid3D_)self, (int)xi, (int)yi, (int)zi) int :

Get the index to the grid point with the three integer indices provided

C++ signature :

int GetGridIndex(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue},unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int)

GetGridIndices((UniformGrid3D_)self, (int)idx) tuple :

Returns the integer indices of the grid index provided.

C++ signature :

boost::python::tuple GetGridIndices(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,unsigned int)

GetGridPointIndex((UniformGrid3D_)self, (Point3D)point) int :

Get the index to the grid point closest to the specified point

C++ signature :

int GetGridPointIndex(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D)

GetGridPointLoc((UniformGrid3D_)self, (int)pointId) Point3D :

Get the location of the specified grid point

C++ signature :

RDGeom::Point3D GetGridPointLoc(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue},unsigned int)

GetNumX((UniformGrid3D_)self) int :

Get the number of grid points along x-axis

C++ signature :

unsigned int GetNumX(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue})

GetNumY((UniformGrid3D_)self) int :

Get the number of grid points along y-axis

C++ signature :

unsigned int GetNumY(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue})

GetNumZ((UniformGrid3D_)self) int :

Get the number of grid points along z-axis

C++ signature :

unsigned int GetNumZ(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue})

GetOccupancyVect((UniformGrid3D_)self) DiscreteValueVect :

Get the occupancy vector for the grid

C++ signature :

RDKit::DiscreteValueVect const* GetOccupancyVect(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue})

GetOffset((UniformGrid3D_)self) Point3D :

Get the location of the center of the grid

C++ signature :

RDGeom::Point3D GetOffset(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue})

GetSize((UniformGrid3D_)self) int :

Get the size of the grid (number of grid points)

C++ signature :

unsigned int GetSize(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue})

GetSpacing((UniformGrid3D_)self) float :

Get the grid spacing

C++ signature :

double GetSpacing(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue})

GetVal((UniformGrid3D_)self, (int)id) int :

Get the value at the specified grid point

C++ signature :

int GetVal(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,unsigned int)

GetValPoint((UniformGrid3D_)self, (Point3D)pt) int :

Get the value at the closest grid point

C++ signature :

int GetValPoint(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,RDGeom::Point3D)

SetSphereOccupancy((UniformGrid3D_)self, (Point3D)center, (float)radius, (float)stepSize[, (int)maxLayers=-1[, (bool)ignoreOutOfBound=True]]) None :
Set the occupancy on the grid for a sphere or specified radius

and multiple layers around this sphere, with decreasing values of


C++ signature :

void SetSphereOccupancy(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D,double,double [,int=-1 [,bool=True]])

SetVal((UniformGrid3D_)self, (int)id, (int)val) None :

Set the value at the specified grid point

C++ signature :

void SetVal(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue},unsigned int,unsigned int)

SetValPoint((UniformGrid3D_)self, (Point3D)pt, (int)val) None :

Set the value at grid point closest to the specified point

C++ signature :

void SetValPoint(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D,unsigned int)

class rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.UniformRealValueGrid3D((object)arg1, (str)arg2)

Bases: instance

Class to represent a uniform three-dimensional cubic grid. Each grid point can store a floating point value.

Pickle constructor

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)

__init__( (object)arg1) -> None :

Default constructor

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*)

__init__( (object)arg1, (UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg2) -> None :

Copy constructor

C++ signature :

void __init__(_object*,RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D)

__init__( (AtomPairsParameters)arg1, (float)dimX, (float)dimY, (float)dimZ [, (float)spacing=0.5 [, (Point3D)offSet=None]]) -> object :


C++ signature :

void* __init__(boost::python::api::object,double,double,double [,double=0.5 [,RDGeom::Point3D const*=None]])

CompareGrids((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg2) bool :

Compare the parameters and values between two grid objects.

C++ signature :

bool CompareGrids(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue},RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D)

CompareParams((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg2) bool :

Compare the parameters between two grid object.

C++ signature :

bool CompareParams(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue},RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D)

CompareVectors((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg2) bool :

Compare the vector values between two grid objects.

C++ signature :

bool CompareVectors(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue},RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D)

GetGridIndex((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3, (int)arg4) int :

Get the index to the grid point with the three integer indices provided

C++ signature :

int GetGridIndex(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue},unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int)

GetGridIndices((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (int)arg2) tuple :

Returns the integer indices of the grid index provided.

C++ signature :

boost::python::tuple GetGridIndices(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D,unsigned int)

GetGridPointIndex((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (Point3D)arg2) int :

Get the index to the grid point closest to the specified point

C++ signature :

int GetGridPointIndex(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D)

GetGridPointLoc((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (int)arg2) Point3D :

Get the location of the specified grid point

C++ signature :

RDGeom::Point3D GetGridPointLoc(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue},unsigned int)

GetNumX((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1) int :

Get the number of grid points along x-axis

C++ signature :

unsigned int GetNumX(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue})

GetNumY((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1) int :

Get the number of grid points along y-axis

C++ signature :

unsigned int GetNumY(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue})

GetNumZ((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1) int :

Get the number of grid points along z-axis

C++ signature :

unsigned int GetNumZ(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue})

GetOccupancyVect((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1) RealValueVect :

Get the occupancy vector for the grid

C++ signature :

RDKit::RealValueVect const* GetOccupancyVect(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue})

GetOffset((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1) Point3D :

Get the location of the center of the grid

C++ signature :

RDGeom::Point3D GetOffset(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue})

GetSize((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1) int :

Get the size of the grid (number of grid points)

C++ signature :

unsigned int GetSize(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue})

GetSpacing((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1) float :

Get the grid spacing

C++ signature :

double GetSpacing(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue})

GetVal((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (int)arg2) float :

Get the value at the specified grid point

C++ signature :

double GetVal(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D,unsigned int)

GetValPoint((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (Point3D)arg2) float :

Get the value at the closest grid point

C++ signature :

double GetValPoint(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D,RDGeom::Point3D)

SetVal((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (int)arg2, (float)arg3) None :

Set the value at the specified grid point

C++ signature :

void SetVal(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue},unsigned int,double)

SetValPoint((UniformRealValueGrid3D)arg1, (Point3D)arg2, (float)arg3) None :

Set the value at grid point closest to the specified point

C++ signature :

void SetValPoint(RDGeom::UniformRealValueGrid3D {lvalue},RDGeom::Point3D,double)

rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry.WriteGridToFile((UniformGrid3D_)grid, (str)filename) None :

Write the grid to a grid file

C++ signature :

void WriteGridToFile(RDGeom::UniformGrid3D,std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)