rdkit.utils.chemutils module

utility functions with “chemical know-how”

rdkit.utils.chemutils.ConfigToNumElectrons(config, ignoreFullD=0, ignoreFullF=0)

counts the number of electrons appearing in a configuration string


  • config: the configuration string (e.g. ‘2s^2 2p^4’)

  • ignoreFullD: toggles not counting full d shells

  • ignoreFullF: toggles not counting full f shells


the number of valence electrons

rdkit.utils.chemutils.GetAtomicData(atomDict, descriptorsDesired, dBase='/scratch/RDKit_git/Data/atomdb.gdb', table='atomic_data', where='', user='sysdba', password='masterkey', includeElCounts=0)

pulls atomic data from a database


  • atomDict: the dictionary to populate

  • descriptorsDesired: the descriptors to pull for each atom

  • dBase: the DB to use

  • table: the DB table to use

  • where: the SQL where clause

  • user: the user name to use with the DB

  • password: the password to use with the DB

  • includeElCounts: if nonzero, valence electron count fields are added to

    the _atomDict_


Takes a simple chemical composition and turns into a list of element,# pairs.

i.e. ‘Fe3Al’ -> [(‘Fe’,3),(‘Al’,1)]


  • compStr: the composition string to be processed


  • the composVect corresponding to _compStr_


-this isn’t smart enough by half to deal with anything even

remotely subtle, so be gentle.