rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor module¶
Module containing the functionality to compute 2D coordinates for a molecule
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.AddRingSystemTemplates((str)templatePath) None : ¶
Adds the ring system templates from the specified file to be used in 2D coordinate generation. If there are duplicates, the most recently added template will be used. Each template must be a single line in the file represented using CXSMILES, and the structure should be a single ring system. Throws a DepictException if any templates are invalid.
- C++ signature :
void AddRingSystemTemplates(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords((Mol)mol[, (bool)canonOrient=True[, (bool)clearConfs=True[, (dict)coordMap={}[, (int)nFlipsPerSample=0[, (int)nSample=0[, (int)sampleSeed=0[, (bool)permuteDeg4Nodes=False[, (float)bondLength=-1.0[, (bool)forceRDKit=False[, (bool)useRingTemplates=False]]]]]]]]]]) int : ¶
- Compute 2D coordinates for a molecule.
The resulting coordinates are stored on each atom of the molecule
mol - the molecule of interest canonOrient - orient the molecule in a canonical way clearConfs - if true, all existing conformations on the molecule
will be cleared
- coordMap - a dictionary mapping atom Ids -> Point2D objects
with starting coordinates for atoms that should have their positions locked.
- nFlipsPerSample - number of rotatable bonds that are
flipped at random at a time.
nSample - Number of random samplings of rotatable bonds. sampleSeed - seed for the random sampling process. permuteDeg4Nodes - allow permutation of bonds at a degree 4
node during the sampling process
bondLength - change the default bond length for depiction forceRDKit - use RDKit to generate coordinates even if
preferCoordGen is set to true
- useRingTemplates - use templates to generate coordinates of complex
ring systems
ID of the conformation added to the molecule
- C++ signature :
unsigned int Compute2DCoords(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} [,bool=True [,bool=True [,boost::python::dict {lvalue}={} [,unsigned int=0 [,unsigned int=0 [,int=0 [,bool=False [,double=-1.0 [,bool=False [,bool=False]]]]]]]]]])
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.Compute2DCoordsMimicDistmat((Mol)mol, (AtomPairsParameters)distMat[, (bool)canonOrient=False[, (bool)clearConfs=True[, (float)weightDistMat=0.5[, (int)nFlipsPerSample=3[, (int)nSample=100[, (int)sampleSeed=100[, (bool)permuteDeg4Nodes=True[, (float)bondLength=-1.0[, (bool)forceRDKit=False]]]]]]]]]) int : ¶
- Compute 2D coordinates for a molecule such
that the inter-atom distances mimic those in a user-provided distance matrix. The resulting coordinates are stored on each atom of the molecule
mol - the molecule of interest distMat - distance matrix that we want the 2D structure to mimic canonOrient - orient the molecule in a canonical way clearConfs - if true, all existing conformations on the molecule
will be cleared
- weightDistMat - weight assigned in the cost function to mimicking
the distance matrix. This must be between (0.0,1.0). (1.0-weightDistMat) is then the weight assigned to improving the density of the 2D structure i.e. try to make it spread out
- nFlipsPerSample - number of rotatable bonds that are
flipped at random at a time.
nSample - Number of random samplings of rotatable bonds. sampleSeed - seed for the random sampling process. permuteDeg4Nodes - allow permutation of bonds at a degree 4
node during the sampling process
bondLength - change the default bond length for depiction forceRDKit - use RDKit to generate coordinates even if
preferCoordGen is set to true
ID of the conformation added to the molecule
- C++ signature :
unsigned int Compute2DCoordsMimicDistmat(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue},boost::python::api::object [,bool=False [,bool=True [,double=0.5 [,unsigned int=3 [,unsigned int=100 [,int=100 [,bool=True [,double=-1.0 [,bool=False]]]]]]]]])
- class rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.ConstrainedDepictionParams((object)arg1)¶
Parameters controlling constrained depiction
- C++ signature :
void __init__(_object*)
- property acceptFailure¶
if False (default), a DepictException is thrown if the molecule does not have a substructure match to the reference; if True, an unconstrained depiction will be generated
- property adjustMolBlockWedging¶
if True (default), existing wedging information will be updated or cleared as required; if False, existing molblock wedging information will always be preserved
- property alignOnly¶
if False (default), a part of the molecule is hard-constrained to have the same coordinates as the reference, and the rest of the molecule is built around it; if True, coordinates from conformation existingConfId are preserved (if they exist) or generated without constraints (if they do not exist), then the conformation is rigid-body aligned to the reference
- property allowRGroups¶
if True, terminal dummy atoms in the reference are ignored if they match an implicit hydrogen in the molecule or if they are attached top a query atom; defaults to False
- property existingConfId¶
conformation id whose 2D coordinates should be rigid-body aligned to the reference (if alignOnly is True), or used to determine whether existing molblock wedging information can be preserved following the constrained depiction (if adjustMolBlockWedging is True
- property forceRDKit¶
if True, use RDKit to generate coordinates even if preferCoordGen is set to True; defaults to False
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure((Mol)mol, (Mol)reference[, (int)confId=-1[, (AtomPairsParameters)refPatt=None[, (AtomPairsParameters)params=None]]]) tuple : ¶
- Generate a depiction for a molecule where a piece of the
molecule is constrained to have the same coordinates as a reference.
The constraint can be hard (default) or soft.
Hard (default, ConstrainedDepictionParams.alignOnly=False): Existing molecule coordinates, if present, are discarded; new coordinates are generated constraining a piece of the molecule to have the same coordinates as the reference, while the rest of the molecule is built around it. If ConstrainedDepictionParams.adjustMolBlockWedging is False (default), existing molblock wedging information is always preserved. If ConstrainedDepictionParams.adjustMolBlockWedging is True, existing molblock wedging information is preserved in case it only involves the invariant core and the core conformation has not changed, while it is cleared in case the wedging is also outside the invariant core, or core coordinates were changed. If ConstrainedDepictionParams.acceptFailure is set to True and no substructure match is found, coordinates will be recomputed from scratch, hence molblock wedging information will be cleared.
Soft (ConstrainedDepictionParams.alignOnly=True): Existing coordinates in the conformation identified by ConstrainedDepictionParams.existingConfId are preserved if present, otherwise unconstrained new coordinates are generated. Subsequently, coodinates undergo a rigid-body alignment to the reference. If ConstrainedDepictionParams.adjustMolBlockWedging is False (default), existing molblock wedging information is always preserved. If ConstrainedDepictionParams.adjustMolBlockWedging is True, existing molblock wedging information is inverted in case the rigid-body alignment involved a flip around the Z axis.
This is useful, for example, for generating depictions of SAR data sets such that the cores of the molecules are all oriented the same way. ARGUMENTS:
- mol - the molecule to be aligned, this will come back
with a single conformer.
- reference - a molecule with the reference atoms to align to;
this should have a depiction.
confId - (optional) the id of the reference conformation to use refPatt - (optional) a query molecule to be used to generate
the atom mapping between the molecule and the reference
params - (optional) a ConstrainedDepictionParams instance
- RETURNS: a tuple of (refIdx, molIdx) tuples corresponding to the atom
indices in mol constrained to have the same coordinates as atom indices in reference.
- C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol [,int=-1 [,boost::python::api::object=None [,boost::python::api::object=None]]])
- GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure( (Mol)mol, (Mol)reference [, (int)confId=-1 [, (AtomPairsParameters)refPatt=None [, (bool)acceptFailure=False [, (bool)forceRDKit=False [, (bool)allowRGroups=False]]]]]) -> tuple :
- Generate a depiction for a molecule where a piece of the
molecule is constrained to have the same coordinates as a reference.
This is useful, for example, for generating depictions of SAR data sets such that the cores of the molecules are all oriented the same way. ARGUMENTS:
- mol - the molecule to be aligned, this will come back
with a single conformer.
- reference - a molecule with the reference atoms to align to;
this should have a depiction.
confId - the id of the reference conformation to use refPatt - a query molecule to be used to generate
the atom mapping between the molecule and the reference
- acceptFailure - if True, standard depictions will be generated
for molecules that don’t have a substructure match to the reference; if False, throws a DepictException.
- forceRDKit - (optional) use RDKit to generate coordinates even if
preferCoordGen is set to true
- allowRGroups - (optional) if True, terminal dummy atoms in the
reference are ignored if they match an implicit hydrogen in the molecule, and a constrained depiction is still attempted
- RETURNS: a tuple of (refIdx, molIdx) tuples corresponding to the atom
indices in mol constrained to have the same coordinates as atom indices in reference.
- C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol [,int=-1 [,boost::python::api::object=None [,bool=False [,bool=False [,bool=False]]]]])
- GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure( (Mol)mol, (Mol)reference, (AtomPairsParameters)atomMap [, (int)confId=-1 [, (AtomPairsParameters)params=None]]) -> None :
- Generate a depiction for a molecule where a piece of the
molecule is constrained to have the same coordinates as a reference.
This is useful for, for example, generating depictions of SAR data sets so that the cores of the molecules are all oriented the same way. ARGUMENTS:
- mol - the molecule to be aligned, this will come back
with a single conformer.
- reference - a molecule with the reference atoms to align to;
this should have a depiction.
- atomMap - a sequence of (queryAtomIdx, molAtomIdx) pairs that will
be used to generate the atom mapping between the molecule and the reference. Note that this sequence can be shorter than the number of atoms in the reference.
confId - (optional) the id of the reference conformation to use params - (optional) an instance of ConstrainedDepictionParams
- C++ signature :
void GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol,boost::python::api::object [,int=-1 [,boost::python::api::object=None]])
- GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure( (Mol)mol, (Mol)reference, (AtomPairsParameters)atomMap, (int)confId, (bool)forceRDKit) -> None :
- Generate a depiction for a molecule where a piece of the
molecule is constrained to have the same coordinates as a reference.
This is useful for, for example, generating depictions of SAR data sets so that the cores of the molecules are all oriented the same way. ARGUMENTS:
- mol - the molecule to be aligned, this will come back
with a single conformer.
- reference - a molecule with the reference atoms to align to;
this should have a depiction.
- atomMap - a sequence of (queryAtomIdx, molAtomIdx) pairs that will
be used to generate the atom mapping between the molecule and the reference. Note that this sequence can be shorter than the number of atoms in the reference.
confId - the id of the reference conformation to use forceRDKit - use RDKit to generate coordinates even if
preferCoordGen is set to true
- C++ signature :
void GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol,boost::python::api::object,int,bool)
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.GenerateDepictionMatching3DStructure((Mol)mol, (Mol)reference[, (int)confId=-1[, (AtomPairsParameters)refPatt=None[, (bool)acceptFailure=False[, (bool)forceRDKit=False]]]]) None : ¶
- Generate a depiction for a molecule where a piece of the molecule
is constrained to have coordinates similar to those of a 3D reference structure. ARGUMENTS:
- mol - the molecule to be aligned, this will come back
with a single conformer containing the 2D coordinates.
- reference - a molecule with the reference atoms to align to.
By default this should be the same as mol, but with 3D coordinates
confId - (optional) the id of the reference conformation to use referencePattern - (optional) a query molecule to map a subset of
the reference onto the mol, so that only some of the atoms are aligned.
- acceptFailure - (optional) if True, standard depictions will be generated
for molecules that don’t match the reference or the referencePattern; if False, throws a DepictException.
- forceRDKit - (optional) use RDKit to generate coordinates even if
preferCoordGen is set to true
- C++ signature :
void GenerateDepictionMatching3DStructure(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue},RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} [,int=-1 [,boost::python::api::object=None [,bool=False [,bool=False]]]])
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.GetPreferCoordGen() bool : ¶
Return whether or not the CoordGen library is used for coordinate generation in the RDKit depiction library.
- C++ signature :
bool GetPreferCoordGen()
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.IsCoordGenSupportAvailable() bool : ¶
Returns whether RDKit was built with CoordGen support.
- C++ signature :
bool IsCoordGenSupportAvailable()
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.LoadDefaultRingSystemTemplates() None : ¶
Loads the default ring system templates and removes existing ones, if present.
- C++ signature :
void LoadDefaultRingSystemTemplates()
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.NormalizeDepiction((Mol)mol[, (int)confId=-1[, (int)canonicalize=1[, (float)scaleFactor=-1.0]]]) float : ¶
Normalizes the 2D depiction. If canonicalize is != 0, the depiction is subjected to a canonical transformation such that its main axis is aligned along the X axis (canonicalize >0, the default) or the Y axis (canonicalize <0). If canonicalize is 0, no canonicalization takes place. If scaleFactor is <0.0 (the default) the depiction is scaled such that bond lengths conform to RDKit standards. The applied scaling factor is returned.
mol - the molecule to be normalized confId - (optional) the id of the reference conformation to use canonicalize - (optional) if != 0, a canonical transformation is
applied: if >0 (the default), the main molecule axis is aligned to the X axis, if <0 to the Y axis. If 0, no canonical transformation is applied.
- scaleFactor - (optional) if >0.0, the scaling factor to apply. The default
(-1.0) means that the depiction is automatically scaled such that bond lengths are the standard RDKit ones.
RETURNS: the applied scaling factor.
- C++ signature :
double NormalizeDepiction(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} [,int=-1 [,int=1 [,double=-1.0]]])
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.SetPreferCoordGen((bool)val) None : ¶
Sets whether or not the CoordGen library should be preferred to the RDKit depiction library.
- C++ signature :
void SetPreferCoordGen(bool)
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.SetRingSystemTemplates((str)templatePath) None : ¶
Loads the ring system templates from the specified file to be used in 2D coordinate generation. Each template must be a single line in the file represented using CXSMILES, and the structure should be a single ring system. Throws a DepictException if any templates are invalid.
- C++ signature :
void SetRingSystemTemplates(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)
- rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.StraightenDepiction((Mol)mol[, (int)confId=-1[, (bool)minimizeRotation=False]]) None : ¶
- Rotate the 2D depiction such that the majority of bonds have a
30-degree angle with the X axis. ARGUMENTS:
mol - the molecule to be rotated. confId - (optional) the id of the reference conformation to use. minimizeRotation - (optional) if False (the default), the molecule
is rotated such that the majority of bonds have an angle with the X axis of 30 or 90 degrees. If True, the minimum rotation is applied such that the majority of bonds have an angle with the X axis of 0, 30, 60, or 90 degrees, with the goal of altering the initial orientation as little as possible .
- C++ signature :
void StraightenDepiction(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} [,int=-1 [,bool=False]])
- class rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.UsingCoordGen((object)self, (bool)temp_state)¶
Context manager to temporarily set CoordGen library preference in RDKit depiction.
- C++ signature :
void __init__(_object*,bool)