Open-source cheminformatics and machine learning.
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Greg Landrum and other RDKit contributors
4// @@ All Rights Reserved @@
5// This file is part of the RDKit.
6// The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
7// which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
8// of the RDKit source tree.
10#include <RDGeneral/export.h>
14#include <string>
15#include <iostream>
17#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
18#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
19#include <boost/format.hpp>
21#include "FileParsers.h"
22#include <string_view>
24namespace RDKit {
25class RWMol;
26class Conformer;
28namespace FileParserUtils {
29RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT inline std::string_view strip(
30 std::string_view orig, std::string stripChars = " \t\r\n") {
31 std::string_view res = orig;
32 auto start = res.find_first_not_of(stripChars);
33 if (start != std::string_view::npos) {
34 auto end = res.find_last_not_of(stripChars) + 1;
35 res = res.substr(start, end - start);
36 } else {
37 res = "";
38 }
39 return res;
42template <typename T>
43T stripSpacesAndCast(std::string_view input, bool acceptSpaces = false) {
44 auto trimmed = strip(input, " ");
45 if (acceptSpaces && trimmed.empty()) {
46 return 0;
47 } else {
48 return boost::lexical_cast<T>(trimmed);
49 }
51template <typename T>
52T stripSpacesAndCast(const std::string &input, bool acceptSpaces = false) {
53 return stripSpacesAndCast<T>(std::string_view(input.c_str()), acceptSpaces);
55RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT int toInt(const std::string &input,
56 bool acceptSpaces = true);
57RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT unsigned int toUnsigned(const std::string &input,
58 bool acceptSpaces = true);
59RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT double toDouble(const std::string &input,
60 bool acceptSpaces = true);
61RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT int toInt(const std::string_view input,
62 bool acceptSpaces = true);
63RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT unsigned int toUnsigned(std::string_view input,
64 bool acceptSpaces = true);
65RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT double toDouble(const std::string_view input,
66 bool acceptSpaces = true);
68// parses info from a V3000 CTAB into a molecule
70 int confId = -1,
71 unsigned int precision = 6);
72// reads a line from an MDL v3K CTAB
74 unsigned int &line);
76// nAtoms and nBonds are ignored on input, set on output
78 std::istream *inStream, unsigned int &line, RWMol *mol, Conformer *&conf,
79 bool &chiralityPossible, unsigned int &nAtoms, unsigned int &nBonds,
80 bool strictParsing = true, bool expectMEND = true);
82// nAtoms and nBonds are used
84 std::istream *inStream, unsigned int &line, RWMol *mol, Conformer *&conf,
85 bool &chiralityPossible, unsigned int &nAtoms, unsigned int &nBonds,
86 bool strictParsing = true);
88//! finishes up the processing (sanitization, etc.) of a molecule read from
89//! CTAB
93//! \overload
95 bool sanitize, bool removeHs) {
97 ps.sanitize = sanitize;
98 ps.removeHs = removeHs;
102//! Deprecated, please use QueryOps::replaceAtomWithQueryAtom instead
105//! applies a particular property to the atoms as an atom property list
106template <typename T>
107void applyMolListPropToAtoms(ROMol &mol, const std::string &pn,
108 const std::string &prefix,
109 const std::string &missingValueMarker = "n/a") {
110 std::string atompn = pn.substr(prefix.size());
111 std::string strVect = mol.getProp<std::string>(pn);
112 std::vector<std::string> tokens;
113 boost::split(tokens, strVect, boost::is_any_of(" \t\n"),
114 boost::token_compress_on);
115 if (tokens.size() < mol.getNumAtoms()) {
117 << "Property list " << pn << " too short, only " << tokens.size()
118 << " elements found. Ignoring it." << std::endl;
119 return;
120 }
121 std::string mv = missingValueMarker;
122 size_t first_token = 0;
123 if (tokens.size() == mol.getNumAtoms() + 1 && tokens[0].front() == '[' &&
124 tokens[0].back() == ']') {
125 mv = std::string(tokens[0].begin() + 1, tokens[0].end() - 1);
126 first_token = 1;
127 }
128 if (mv.empty()) {
129 BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << "Missing value marker for property " << pn
130 << " is empty." << std::endl;
131 }
132 for (size_t i = first_token; i < tokens.size(); ++i) {
133 if (tokens[i] != mv) {
134 unsigned int atomid = i - first_token;
135 try {
136 T apv = boost::lexical_cast<T>(tokens[i]);
138 } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {
140 << "Value " << tokens[i] << " for property " << pn << " of atom "
141 << atomid << " can not be parsed. Ignoring it." << std::endl;
142 }
143 }
144 }
147//! applies all properties matching a particular prefix as an atom property
148//! list
149template <typename T>
150void applyMolListPropsToAtoms(ROMol &mol, const std::string &prefix,
151 const std::string missingValueMarker = "n/a") {
152 for (auto pn : mol.getPropList()) {
153 if (pn.find(prefix) == 0 && pn.length() > prefix.length()) {
155 }
156 }
158static const std::string atomPropPrefix = "atom.";
159//! if the property name matches our rules for atom property lists, we'll
160//! apply it to the atoms
162 ROMol &mol, const std::string pn,
163 const std::string &missingValueMarker = "n/a") {
164 if (pn.find(atomPropPrefix) == 0 && pn.length() > atomPropPrefix.length()) {
165 std::string prefix = atomPropPrefix + "prop.";
166 if (pn.find(prefix) == 0 && pn.length() > prefix.length()) {
168 } else {
169 prefix = atomPropPrefix + "iprop.";
170 if (pn.find(prefix) == 0 && pn.length() > prefix.length()) {
173 } else {
174 prefix = atomPropPrefix + "dprop.";
175 if (pn.find(prefix) == 0 && pn.length() > prefix.length()) {
177 } else {
178 prefix = atomPropPrefix + "bprop.";
179 if (pn.find(prefix) == 0 && pn.length() > prefix.length()) {
181 }
182 }
183 }
184 }
185 }
187//! loops over all properties and applies the ones that match the rules for
188//! atom property lists to the atoms
190 ROMol &mol, const std::string &missingValueMarker = "n/a") {
191 for (auto pn : mol.getPropList()) {
193 }
195template <typename T>
196std::string getAtomPropertyList(ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName,
197 std::string missingValueMarker = "",
198 unsigned int lineSize = 190) {
199 std::string res;
200 std::string propVal;
201 if (!missingValueMarker.empty()) {
202 propVal += boost::str(boost::format("[%s] ") % missingValueMarker);
203 } else {
204 missingValueMarker = "n/a";
205 }
206 for (const auto &atom : mol.atoms()) {
207 std::string apVal = missingValueMarker;
208 if (atom->hasProp(atomPropName)) {
209 T tVal = atom->getProp<T>(atomPropName);
210 apVal = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(tVal);
211 // seems like this should work, but it doesn't:
212 // atom->getProp(atomPropName,apVal);
213 }
214 if (propVal.length() + apVal.length() + 1 >= lineSize) {
215 // remove trailing space:
216 propVal.pop_back();
217 res += propVal + "\n";
218 propVal = "";
219 }
220 propVal += apVal + " ";
221 }
222 if (!propVal.empty()) {
223 // remove the trailing space:
224 propVal.pop_back();
225 res += propVal;
226 }
227 return res;
230 ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName,
231 const std::string &missingValueMarker = "", unsigned int lineSize = 190) {
232 std::string molPropName = "atom.iprop." + atomPropName;
238 ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName,
239 const std::string &missingValueMarker = "", unsigned int lineSize = 190) {
240 std::string molPropName = "atom.dprop." + atomPropName;
243 lineSize));
246 ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName,
247 const std::string &missingValueMarker = "", unsigned int lineSize = 190) {
248 std::string molPropName = "atom.bprop." + atomPropName;
251 lineSize));
254 ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName,
255 const std::string &missingValueMarker = "", unsigned int lineSize = 190) {
256 std::string molPropName = "atom.prop." + atomPropName;
264} // namespace FileParserUtils
265} // namespace RDKit
#define BOOST_LOG(__arg__)
Definition RDLog.h:110
The class for representing atoms.
Definition Atom.h:75
The class for representing 2D or 3D conformation of a molecule.
Definition Conformer.h:46
void getProp(const std::string &key, T &res) const
allows retrieval of a particular property value
Definition RDProps.h:107
void setProp(const std::string &key, T val, bool computed=false) const
sets a property value
Definition RDProps.h:77
STR_VECT getPropList(bool includePrivate=true, bool includeComputed=true) const
returns a list with the names of our properties
Definition RDProps.h:45
Atom * getAtomWithIdx(unsigned int idx)
returns a pointer to a particular Atom
unsigned int getNumAtoms() const
returns our number of atoms
Definition ROMol.h:421
CXXAtomIterator< MolGraph, Atom * > atoms()
C++11 Range iterator.
Definition ROMol.h:277
RWMol is a molecule class that is intended to be edited.
Definition RWMol.h:32
Definition export.h:161
void processMolPropertyList(ROMol &mol, const std::string pn, const std::string &missingValueMarker="n/a")
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT void moveAdditionalPropertiesToSGroups(RWMol &mol)
void createAtomDoublePropertyList(ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName, const std::string &missingValueMarker="", unsigned int lineSize=190)
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT double toDouble(const std::string &input, bool acceptSpaces=true)
void createAtomIntPropertyList(ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName, const std::string &missingValueMarker="", unsigned int lineSize=190)
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT int toInt(const std::string &input, bool acceptSpaces=true)
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT Atom * replaceAtomWithQueryAtom(RWMol *mol, Atom *atom)
Deprecated, please use QueryOps::replaceAtomWithQueryAtom instead.
T stripSpacesAndCast(std::string_view input, bool acceptSpaces=false)
void createAtomStringPropertyList(ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName, const std::string &missingValueMarker="", unsigned int lineSize=190)
void applyMolListPropToAtoms(ROMol &mol, const std::string &pn, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &missingValueMarker="n/a")
applies a particular property to the atoms as an atom property list
std::string getAtomPropertyList(ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName, std::string missingValueMarker="", unsigned int lineSize=190)
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT void finishMolProcessing(RWMol *res, bool chiralityPossible, const v2::FileParsers::MolFileParserParams &ps)
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT std::string_view strip(std::string_view orig, std::string stripChars=" \t\r\n")
void applyMolListPropsToAtoms(ROMol &mol, const std::string &prefix, const std::string missingValueMarker="n/a")
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT bool ParseV3000CTAB(std::istream *inStream, unsigned int &line, RWMol *mol, Conformer *&conf, bool &chiralityPossible, unsigned int &nAtoms, unsigned int &nBonds, bool strictParsing=true, bool expectMEND=true)
void processMolPropertyLists(ROMol &mol, const std::string &missingValueMarker="n/a")
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT bool ParseV2000CTAB(std::istream *inStream, unsigned int &line, RWMol *mol, Conformer *&conf, bool &chiralityPossible, unsigned int &nAtoms, unsigned int &nBonds, bool strictParsing=true)
static const std::string atomPropPrefix
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT std::string getV3000CTAB(const ROMol &tmol, int confId=-1, unsigned int precision=6)
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT std::string getV3000Line(std::istream *inStream, unsigned int &line)
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT unsigned int toUnsigned(const std::string &input, bool acceptSpaces=true)
void createAtomBoolPropertyList(ROMol &mol, const std::string &atomPropName, const std::string &missingValueMarker="", unsigned int lineSize=190)
Std stuff.
bool rdvalue_is(const RDValue_cast_t)