Open-source cheminformatics and machine learning.
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2// Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Rational Discovery LLC
4// @@ All Rights Reserved @@
5// This file is part of the RDKit.
6// The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
7// which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
8// of the RDKit source tree.
10#include <RDGeneral/export.h>
11#ifndef _RD_SHAPE_ENCODER_H_20050125_0800_
12#define _RD_SHAPE_ENCODER_H_20050125_0800_
14namespace RDGeom {
15class UniformGrid3D;
16class Transform3D;
17} // namespace RDGeom
19namespace RDKit {
20class ROMol;
21class Conformer;
22namespace MolShapes {
23//! Encode the shape of a molecule on to a grid
25 \param mol The molecule of interest
26 \param grid Grid onto which the molecule is encoded
27 \param confId Id of the conformation on the molecule to be encoded
28 \param trans Optional 3D transform to be applied to this conformation
29 \param vdwScale Scaling factor for the radius of the atoms to determine the
30 base radius
31 used in the encoding - grid points inside this sphere carry
32 the maximum occupancy
33 \param stepSize thickness of the layers outside the base radius, the
34 occupancy value is decreased
35 from layer to layer from the maximum value
36 \param maxLayers the maximum number of layers - defaults to the number allowed
37 the number of bits
38 use per grid point - e.g. two bits per grid point will allow
39 3 layers
40 \param ignoreHs if true, ignore the hydrogen atoms in the shape encoding
41 process
44 const ROMol &mol, RDGeom::UniformGrid3D &grid, int confId = -1,
45 const RDGeom::Transform3D *trans = nullptr, double vdwScale = 0.8,
46 double stepSize = 0.25, int maxLayers = -1, bool ignoreHs = true);
48//! Emcode the shape of a conformer on to a grid
50 \param conf The conformer of interest
51 \param grid Grid onto which the molecule is encoded
52 \param trans Optional 3D transform to be applied to this conformation
53 \param vdwScale Scaling factor for the radius of the atoms to determine the
54 base radius
55 used in the encoding - grid points inside this sphere carry
56 the maximum occupancy
57 \param stepSize thickness of the layers outside the base radius, the
58 occupancy value is decreased
59 from layer to layer from the maximum value
60 \param maxLayers the maximum number of layers - defaults to the number allowed
61 the number of bits
62 use per grid point - e.g. two bits per grid point will allow
63 3 layers
64 \param ignoreHs if true, ignore the hydrogen atoms in the shape encoding
65 process
69 const RDGeom::Transform3D *trans = nullptr, double vdwScale = 0.8,
70 double stepSize = 0.25, int maxLayers = -1, bool ignoreHs = true);
71} // namespace MolShapes
72} // namespace RDKit
The class for representing 2D or 3D conformation of a molecule.
Definition Conformer.h:46
Definition export.h:465
RDKIT_SHAPEHELPERS_EXPORT void EncodeShape(const ROMol &mol, RDGeom::UniformGrid3D &grid, int confId=-1, const RDGeom::Transform3D *trans=nullptr, double vdwScale=0.8, double stepSize=0.25, int maxLayers=-1, bool ignoreHs=true)
Encode the shape of a molecule on to a grid.
Std stuff.
bool rdvalue_is(const RDValue_cast_t)