Open-source cheminformatics and machine learning.
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Greg Landrum and Rational Discovery LLC
4// @@ All Rights Reserved @@
5// This file is part of the RDKit.
6// The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
7// which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
8// of the RDKit source tree.
10#include <RDGeneral/export.h>
11#ifndef _UNIFORMGRID3D_H_20050124_1703
12#define _UNIFORMGRID3D_H_20050124_1703
14#include "point.h"
16#include "Grid3D.h"
17#include <iostream>
19namespace RDGeom {
21 public:
22 //! \brief ctor
23 /*
24 \param dimX: the x dimension of the grid, in Angstroms
25 \param dimY: the y dimension of the grid, in Angstroms
26 \param dimZ: the z dimension of the grid, in Angstroms
27 \param spacing: the grid spacing, in Angstroms
28 \param valType: the data type of the grid (determines the number of bits
29 per point)
30 \param offset: OPTIONAL: the offset of the grid from (0,0,0), in
31 Angstroms.
33 \b Note: the values of arguments such as \c dimX and \c spacing
34 don't actually need to be in Angstroms, but they should be internally
35 consistent.
37 */
38 UniformGrid3D(double dimX, double dimY, double dimZ, double spacing = 0.5,
41 const RDGeom::Point3D *offset = nullptr) {
42 if (offset == nullptr) {
43 initGrid(dimX, dimY, dimZ, spacing, valType,
44 Point3D(-0.5 * dimX, -0.5 * dimY, -0.5 * dimZ));
45 } else {
46 initGrid(dimX, dimY, dimZ, spacing, valType, *offset);
47 }
48 }
49 //! copy ctor
51 //! construct from a string pickle
52 UniformGrid3D(const std::string &pkl);
53 //! construct from a text pickle
54 UniformGrid3D(const char *pkl, unsigned int);
57 ~UniformGrid3D() override;
59 //! \brief Get the index of the grid point closest to point
60 //!
61 //! \return the integer index, -1 if the specified point is outside the grid
62 int getGridPointIndex(const Point3D &point) const override;
64 //! \brief Get the value at the grid point closest to the specified point
65 //!
66 //! \return the integer value, -1 if the specified index is outside the grid
67 int getVal(const Point3D &point) const override;
69 //! \brief Get the value at a specified grid point
70 //!
71 //! \return the unsigned integer value
72 unsigned int getVal(unsigned int pointId) const override;
74 //! \brief Set the value at the grid point closest to the specified point
75 //!
76 //! doesn't do anything if the point is outside the grid
77 void setVal(const Point3D &point, unsigned int val) override;
79 //! \brief get the location of the specified grid point
80 Point3D getGridPointLoc(unsigned int pointId) const override;
82 //! \brief Set the value at the specified grid point
83 void setVal(unsigned int pointId, unsigned int val) override;
85 //! \brief get the size of the grid (number of grid points)
86 unsigned int getSize() const override { return d_numX * d_numY * d_numZ; }
88 //! \brief set the occupancy for a multi-layered sphere
89 /*!
90 This function encodes the occupancy for a sphere and multiple layers around
91 it
92 \param center location of the sphere center
93 \param radius Radius of the base sphere
94 \param stepSize thickness of each layer on top of the base sphere
95 \param maxNumLayers maximum number of layers, if -1 this is
96 determined by
97 the number of bits used per grid points in the
98 storage
99 \param ignoreOutOfBound if true, ignore if center is outside the grid,
100 otherwise throw
101 an exception
103 */
104 void setSphereOccupancy(const Point3D &center, double radius, double stepSize,
105 int maxNumLayers = -1, bool ignoreOutOfBound = true);
107 //! \brief get the index of the grid point given the x, y, z indices
108 //!
109 //! \return the integer value, -1 if the indices are outside the grid
110 int getGridIndex(unsigned int xi, unsigned int yi, unsigned int zi) const;
112 //! \brief get the x, y, and z indices of a grid-point index
113 //!
114 void getGridIndices(unsigned int idx, unsigned int &xi, unsigned int &yi,
115 unsigned int &zi) const;
117 //! \brief get the number of grid points along x-axis
118 unsigned int getNumX() const { return d_numX; }
120 //! \brief get the number of grid points along y-axis
121 unsigned int getNumY() const { return d_numY; }
123 //! \brief get the number of grid points along z-axis
124 unsigned int getNumZ() const { return d_numZ; }
126 //! \brief get the grid's offset
127 const Point3D &getOffset() const { return d_offSet; }
129 //! \brief get the grid's spacing
130 double getSpacing() const { return d_spacing; }
132 //! \brief return a \b const pointer to our occupancy vector
134 return dp_storage;
135 }
137 //! \brief returns true if the grid \c other has parameters
138 //! compatible with ours.
139 virtual bool compareParams(const UniformGrid3D &other) const;
140 //! \brief calculates the union between the data on this grid and
141 //! that on \c other.
142 //! This grid is modified.
143 //! NOTE that the grids must have the same parameters.
145 //! \brief calculates the intersection between the data on this grid and
146 //! that on \c other.
147 //! This grid is modified.
148 //! NOTE that the grids must have the same parameters.
150 //! \brief calculates the sum of the data on this grid and
151 //! that on \c other.
152 //! This grid is modified.
153 //! NOTE that the grids must have the same parameters.
155 //! \brief calculates the difference between the data on this grid and
156 //! that on \c other.
157 //! This grid is modified.
158 //! NOTE that the grids must have the same parameters.
161 //! \brief create and return a pickle
162 std::string toString() const;
165 PRECONDITION(dp_storage, "bad storage");
166 PRECONDITION(compareParams(other), "mismatched params");
167 UniformGrid3D res(d_numX * d_spacing, d_numY * d_spacing,
168 d_numZ * d_spacing, d_spacing, dp_storage->getValueType(),
169 &d_offSet);
170 return res;
171 }
173 private:
174 //! \brief internal initialization code
175 /*
176 \param dimX: the x dimension of the grid, in Angstroms
177 \param dimY: the y dimension of the grid, in Angstroms
178 \param dimZ: the z dimension of the grid, in Angstroms
179 \param spacing: the grid spacing, in Angstroms
180 \param valType: the data type of the grid (determines the number of bits
181 per point)
182 \param offset: the offset of the grid from (0,0,0), in Angstroms.
183 \param data: (optional) a pointer to a DiscreteValueVect to use, we
184 take
185 ownership of the pointer.
186 */
187 void initGrid(double dimX, double dimY, double dimZ, double spacing,
189 const RDGeom::Point3D &offSet,
190 RDKit::DiscreteValueVect *data = nullptr);
191 unsigned int d_numX; //!< number of grid points along x axis
192 unsigned int d_numY; //!< number of grid points along y axis
193 unsigned int d_numZ; //!< number of grid points along z axis
194 double d_spacing; //!< grid spacing
195 Point3D d_offSet; //!< the grid offset (from the origin)
197 *dp_storage; //!< storage for values at each grid point
199 //! \brief construct from a pickle
200 void initFromText(const char *pkl, const unsigned int length);
203//! \brief writes the contents of the grid to a stream
205 The grid is written in GRD format
208 std::ostream &outStrm);
210//! \brief writes the contents of the grid to a named file
212 The grid is written in GRD format
215 const std::string &filename);
216} // namespace RDGeom
#define PRECONDITION(expr, mess)
Definition Invariant.h:109
Virtual base class for a grid object.
Definition Grid3D.h:38
unsigned int getNumY() const
get the number of grid points along y-axis
UniformGrid3D operator&(const UniformGrid3D &other) const
UniformGrid3D & operator-=(const UniformGrid3D &other)
calculates the difference between the data on this grid and that on other. This grid is modified....
int getVal(const Point3D &point) const override
Get the value at the grid point closest to the specified point.
void setSphereOccupancy(const Point3D &center, double radius, double stepSize, int maxNumLayers=-1, bool ignoreOutOfBound=true)
set the occupancy for a multi-layered sphere
UniformGrid3D(const char *pkl, unsigned int)
construct from a text pickle
UniformGrid3D(const std::string &pkl)
construct from a string pickle
int getGridPointIndex(const Point3D &point) const override
Get the index of the grid point closest to point.
Point3D getGridPointLoc(unsigned int pointId) const override
get the location of the specified grid point
void setVal(const Point3D &point, unsigned int val) override
Set the value at the grid point closest to the specified point.
UniformGrid3D(double dimX, double dimY, double dimZ, double spacing=0.5, RDKit::DiscreteValueVect::DiscreteValueType valType=RDKit::DiscreteValueVect::TWOBITVALUE, const RDGeom::Point3D *offset=nullptr)
const Point3D & getOffset() const
get the grid's offset
const RDKit::DiscreteValueVect * getOccupancyVect() const override
return a const pointer to our occupancy vector
unsigned int getSize() const override
get the size of the grid (number of grid points)
double getSpacing() const
get the grid's spacing
~UniformGrid3D() override
UniformGrid3D & operator+=(const UniformGrid3D &other)
calculates the sum of the data on this grid and that on other. This grid is modified....
UniformGrid3D & operator&=(const UniformGrid3D &other)
calculates the intersection between the data on this grid and that on other. This grid is modified....
UniformGrid3D & operator=(const UniformGrid3D &other)
int getGridIndex(unsigned int xi, unsigned int yi, unsigned int zi) const
get the index of the grid point given the x, y, z indices
unsigned int getNumX() const
get the number of grid points along x-axis
void getGridIndices(unsigned int idx, unsigned int &xi, unsigned int &yi, unsigned int &zi) const
get the x, y, and z indices of a grid-point index
UniformGrid3D & operator|=(const UniformGrid3D &other)
calculates the union between the data on this grid and that on other. This grid is modified....
unsigned int getNumZ() const
get the number of grid points along z-axis
unsigned int getVal(unsigned int pointId) const override
Get the value at a specified grid point.
virtual bool compareParams(const UniformGrid3D &other) const
returns true if the grid other has parameters compatible with ours.
UniformGrid3D(const UniformGrid3D &other)
copy ctor
void setVal(unsigned int pointId, unsigned int val) override
Set the value at the specified grid point.
std::string toString() const
create and return a pickle
a class for efficiently storing vectors of discrete values
used to define the possible range of the values
Definition export.h:393
RDKIT_RDGEOMETRYLIB_EXPORT void writeGridToFile(const UniformGrid3D &grid, const std::string &filename)
writes the contents of the grid to a named file
RDKIT_RDGEOMETRYLIB_EXPORT void writeGridToStream(const UniformGrid3D &grid, std::ostream &outStrm)
writes the contents of the grid to a stream