RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::string | RDKit::SmilesWrite::getCXExtensions (const ROMol &mol, std::uint32_t flags=CXSmilesFields::CX_ALL) |
| returns the cxsmiles data for a molecule
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::string | RDKit::SmilesWrite::getCXExtensions (const std::vector< ROMol * > &mols, std::uint32_t flags) |
| returns the cxsmiles data for a vector of molecules
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT bool | RDKit::SmilesWrite::inOrganicSubset (int atomicNumber) |
| returns true if the atom number is in the SMILES organic subset
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::string | RDKit::SmilesWrite::GetAtomSmiles (const Atom *atom, const SmilesWriteParams &ps) |
| returns the SMILES for an atom
std::string | RDKit::SmilesWrite::GetAtomSmiles (const Atom *atom, bool doKekule=false, const Bond *=nullptr, bool allHsExplicit=false, bool isomericSmiles=true) |
| returns the SMILES for an atom
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::string | RDKit::SmilesWrite::GetBondSmiles (const Bond *bond, const SmilesWriteParams &ps, int atomToLeftIdx=-1) |
| returns the SMILES for a bond
std::string | RDKit::SmilesWrite::GetBondSmiles (const Bond *bond, int atomToLeftIdx=-1, bool doKekule=false, bool allBondsExplicit=false) |
| returns the SMILES for a bond
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::string | RDKit::SmilesWrite::detail::MolToSmiles (const ROMol &mol, const SmilesWriteParams ¶ms, bool doingCXSmiles) |
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::string | RDKit::MolToSmiles (const ROMol &mol, const SmilesWriteParams ¶ms) |
| returns canonical SMILES for a molecule
std::string | RDKit::MolToSmiles (const ROMol &mol, bool doIsomericSmiles=true, bool doKekule=false, int rootedAtAtom=-1, bool canonical=true, bool allBondsExplicit=false, bool allHsExplicit=false, bool doRandom=false, bool ignoreAtomMapNumbers=false) |
| returns SMILES for a molecule, canonical by default
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::vector< std::string > | RDKit::MolToRandomSmilesVect (const ROMol &mol, unsigned int numSmiles, unsigned int randomSeed=0, bool doIsomericSmiles=true, bool doKekule=false, bool allBondsExplicit=false, bool allHsExplicit=false) |
| returns a vector of random SMILES for a molecule (may contain duplicates)
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::string | RDKit::MolFragmentToSmiles (const ROMol &mol, const SmilesWriteParams ¶ms, const std::vector< int > &atomsToUse, const std::vector< int > *bondsToUse=nullptr, const std::vector< std::string > *atomSymbols=nullptr, const std::vector< std::string > *bondSymbols=nullptr) |
| returns canonical SMILES for part of a molecule
std::string | RDKit::MolFragmentToSmiles (const ROMol &mol, const std::vector< int > &atomsToUse, const std::vector< int > *bondsToUse=nullptr, const std::vector< std::string > *atomSymbols=nullptr, const std::vector< std::string > *bondSymbols=nullptr, bool doIsomericSmiles=true, bool doKekule=false, int rootedAtAtom=-1, bool canonical=true, bool allBondsExplicit=false, bool allHsExplicit=false) |
| returns canonical SMILES for part of a molecule
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::string | RDKit::MolToCXSmiles (const ROMol &mol, const SmilesWriteParams &ps, std::uint32_t flags=SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields::CX_ALL, RestoreBondDirOption restoreBondDirs=RestoreBondDirOptionClear) |
| returns canonical CXSMILES for a molecule
std::string | RDKit::MolToCXSmiles (const ROMol &mol, bool doIsomericSmiles=true, bool doKekule=false, int rootedAtAtom=-1, bool canonical=true, bool allBondsExplicit=false, bool allHsExplicit=false, bool doRandom=false) |
| returns canonical CXSMILES for a molecule
RDKIT_SMILESPARSE_EXPORT std::string | RDKit::MolFragmentToCXSmiles (const ROMol &mol, const SmilesWriteParams ¶ms, const std::vector< int > &atomsToUse, const std::vector< int > *bondsToUse=nullptr, const std::vector< std::string > *atomSymbols=nullptr, const std::vector< std::string > *bondSymbols=nullptr) |
| returns canonical CXSMILES for part of a molecule
std::string | RDKit::MolFragmentToCXSmiles (const ROMol &mol, const std::vector< int > &atomsToUse, const std::vector< int > *bondsToUse=nullptr, const std::vector< std::string > *atomSymbols=nullptr, const std::vector< std::string > *bondSymbols=nullptr, bool doIsomericSmiles=true, bool doKekule=false, int rootedAtAtom=-1, bool canonical=true, bool allBondsExplicit=false, bool allHsExplicit=false) |
| returns canonical CXSMILES for part of a molecule
void | RDKit::updateSmilesWriteParamsFromJSON (SmilesWriteParams ¶ms, const std::string &details_json) |
void | RDKit::updateSmilesWriteParamsFromJSON (SmilesWriteParams ¶ms, const char *details_json) |
void | RDKit::updateCXSmilesFieldsFromJSON (SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields &cxSmilesFields, RestoreBondDirOption &restoreBondDirs, const std::string &details_json) |
void | RDKit::updateCXSmilesFieldsFromJSON (SmilesWrite::CXSmilesFields &cxSmilesFields, RestoreBondDirOption &restoreBondDirs, const char *details_json) |