Open-source cheminformatics and machine learning.
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Rational Discovery LLC
4// @@ All Rights Reserved @@
5// This file is part of the RDKit.
6// The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
7// which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
8// of the RDKit source tree.
10#include <RDGeneral/export.h>
11#ifndef _RD_UFFATOMTYPER_H__
12#define _RD_UFFATOMTYPER_H__
14#include <vector>
15#include <string>
18namespace ForceFields {
19namespace UFF {
20class AtomicParams;
22} // namespace ForceFields
23namespace RDKit {
24class ROMol;
25class Atom;
27namespace UFF {
28typedef std::vector<const ForceFields::UFF::AtomicParams *> AtomicParamVect;
30RDKIT_FORCEFIELDHELPERS_EXPORT std::pair<AtomicParamVect, bool> getAtomTypes(
31 const ROMol &mol, const std::string &paramData = "");
33 const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2,
36 const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2, unsigned int idx3,
39 const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2, unsigned int idx3,
42 const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2, unsigned int idx3,
45 const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2,
48namespace Tools {
49// these functions are primarily exposed so they can be tested.
51 const Atom *atom, std::string &atomKey, bool tolerateChargeMismatch = true);
53} // namespace Tools
54} // namespace UFF
55} // namespace RDKit
class to store atomic parameters for the Universal Force Field
Definition UFF/Params.h:73
class to store UFF parameters for angle bending
Definition UFF/Params.h:47
class to store UFF parameters for bond stretching
Definition UFF/Params.h:40
class to store UFF parameters for inversions
Definition UFF/Params.h:60
class to store UFF parameters for torsions
Definition UFF/Params.h:54
class to store UFF parameters for van der Waals interactions
Definition UFF/Params.h:66
The class for representing atoms.
Definition Atom.h:75
Definition export.h:193
RDKIT_FORCEFIELDHELPERS_EXPORT std::string getAtomLabel(const Atom *atom)
RDKIT_FORCEFIELDHELPERS_EXPORT void addAtomChargeFlags(const Atom *atom, std::string &atomKey, bool tolerateChargeMismatch=true)
RDKIT_FORCEFIELDHELPERS_EXPORT bool getUFFVdWParams(const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2, ForceFields::UFF::UFFVdW &uffVdWParams)
RDKIT_FORCEFIELDHELPERS_EXPORT bool getUFFAngleBendParams(const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2, unsigned int idx3, ForceFields::UFF::UFFAngle &uffAngleBendParams)
RDKIT_FORCEFIELDHELPERS_EXPORT std::pair< AtomicParamVect, bool > getAtomTypes(const ROMol &mol, const std::string &paramData="")
RDKIT_FORCEFIELDHELPERS_EXPORT bool getUFFBondStretchParams(const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2, ForceFields::UFF::UFFBond &uffBondStretchParams)
RDKIT_FORCEFIELDHELPERS_EXPORT bool getUFFTorsionParams(const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2, unsigned int idx3, unsigned int idx4, ForceFields::UFF::UFFTor &uffTorsionParams)
std::vector< const ForceFields::UFF::AtomicParams * > AtomicParamVect
RDKIT_FORCEFIELDHELPERS_EXPORT bool getUFFInversionParams(const ROMol &mol, unsigned int idx1, unsigned int idx2, unsigned int idx3, unsigned int idx4, ForceFields::UFF::UFFInv &uffInversionParams)
Std stuff.
bool rdvalue_is(const RDValue_cast_t)
std::string paramData