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RDKit::DGeomHelpers Namespace Reference


struct  EmbedParameters
 Parameter object for controlling embedding. More...


enum  EmbedFailureCauses {
  END_OF_ENUM = 12


RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void initBoundsMat (DistGeom::BoundsMatrix *mmat, double defaultMin=0.0, double defaultMax=1000.0)
 Set default upper and lower distance bounds in a distance matrix.
RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void initBoundsMat (DistGeom::BoundsMatPtr mmat, double defaultMin=0.0, double defaultMax=1000.0)
RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void setTopolBounds (const ROMol &mol, DistGeom::BoundsMatPtr mmat, bool set15bounds=true, bool scaleVDW=false, bool useMacrocycle14config=false, bool forceTransAmides=true)
RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void setTopolBounds (const ROMol &mol, DistGeom::BoundsMatPtr mmat, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &bonds, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &angles, bool set15bounds=true, bool scaleVDW=false, bool useMacrocycle14config=false, bool forceTransAmides=true)
RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void collectBondsAndAngles (const ROMol &mol, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &bonds, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &angles)
 generate the vectors of bonds and angles used by (ET)KDG
RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void updateEmbedParametersFromJSON (EmbedParameters &params, const std::string &json)
 update parameters from a JSON string
RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void EmbedMultipleConfs (ROMol &mol, INT_VECT &res, unsigned int numConfs, EmbedParameters &params)
 Embed multiple conformations for a molecule.
INT_VECT EmbedMultipleConfs (ROMol &mol, unsigned int numConfs, EmbedParameters &params)
int EmbedMolecule (ROMol &mol, EmbedParameters &params)
int EmbedMolecule (ROMol &mol, unsigned int maxIterations=0, int seed=-1, bool clearConfs=true, bool useRandomCoords=false, double boxSizeMult=2.0, bool randNegEig=true, unsigned int numZeroFail=1, const std::map< int, RDGeom::Point3D > *coordMap=nullptr, double optimizerForceTol=1e-3, bool ignoreSmoothingFailures=false, bool enforceChirality=true, bool useExpTorsionAnglePrefs=false, bool useBasicKnowledge=false, bool verbose=false, double basinThresh=5.0, bool onlyHeavyAtomsForRMS=false, unsigned int ETversion=2, bool useSmallRingTorsions=false, bool useMacrocycleTorsions=true, bool useMacrocycle14config=true)
void EmbedMultipleConfs (ROMol &mol, INT_VECT &res, unsigned int numConfs=10, int numThreads=1, unsigned int maxIterations=30, int seed=-1, bool clearConfs=true, bool useRandomCoords=false, double boxSizeMult=2.0, bool randNegEig=true, unsigned int numZeroFail=1, double pruneRmsThresh=-1.0, const std::map< int, RDGeom::Point3D > *coordMap=nullptr, double optimizerForceTol=1e-3, bool ignoreSmoothingFailures=false, bool enforceChirality=true, bool useExpTorsionAnglePrefs=false, bool useBasicKnowledge=false, bool verbose=false, double basinThresh=5.0, bool onlyHeavyAtomsForRMS=false, unsigned int ETversion=2, bool useSmallRingTorsions=false, bool useMacrocycleTorsions=true, bool useMacrocycle14config=true, unsigned int timeout=0)
INT_VECT EmbedMultipleConfs (ROMol &mol, unsigned int numConfs=10, unsigned int maxIterations=30, int seed=-1, bool clearConfs=true, bool useRandomCoords=false, double boxSizeMult=2.0, bool randNegEig=true, unsigned int numZeroFail=1, double pruneRmsThresh=-1.0, const std::map< int, RDGeom::Point3D > *coordMap=nullptr, double optimizerForceTol=1e-3, bool ignoreSmoothingFailures=false, bool enforceChirality=true, bool useExpTorsionAnglePrefs=false, bool useBasicKnowledge=false, bool verbose=false, double basinThresh=5.0, bool onlyHeavyAtomsForRMS=false, unsigned int ETversion=2, bool useSmallRingTorsions=false, bool useMacrocycleTorsions=false, bool useMacrocycle14config=false, unsigned int timeout=0)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


 Parameters corresponding to Sereina Riniker's KDG approach.
 Parameters corresponding to Sereina Riniker's ETDG approach.
 Parameters corresponding to Sereina Riniker's ETKDG approach.
 Parameters corresponding to Sereina Riniker's ETKDG approach - version 2.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EmbedFailureCauses


Definition at line 25 of file Embedder.h.

Function Documentation

◆ collectBondsAndAngles()

RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void RDKit::DGeomHelpers::collectBondsAndAngles ( const ROMol mol,
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &  bonds,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  angles 

generate the vectors of bonds and angles used by (ET)KDG

◆ EmbedMolecule() [1/2]

int RDKit::DGeomHelpers::EmbedMolecule ( ROMol mol,
EmbedParameters params 

Compute an embedding (in 3D) for the specified molecule using Distance Geometry

Definition at line 221 of file Embedder.h.

References EmbedMultipleConfs(), and RDKit::rdvalue_is().

Referenced by EmbedMolecule().

◆ EmbedMolecule() [2/2]

int RDKit::DGeomHelpers::EmbedMolecule ( ROMol mol,
unsigned int  maxIterations = 0,
int  seed = -1,
bool  clearConfs = true,
bool  useRandomCoords = false,
double  boxSizeMult = 2.0,
bool  randNegEig = true,
unsigned int  numZeroFail = 1,
const std::map< int, RDGeom::Point3D > *  coordMap = nullptr,
double  optimizerForceTol = 1e-3,
bool  ignoreSmoothingFailures = false,
bool  enforceChirality = true,
bool  useExpTorsionAnglePrefs = false,
bool  useBasicKnowledge = false,
bool  verbose = false,
double  basinThresh = 5.0,
bool  onlyHeavyAtomsForRMS = false,
unsigned int  ETversion = 2,
bool  useSmallRingTorsions = false,
bool  useMacrocycleTorsions = true,
bool  useMacrocycle14config = true 

Compute an embedding (in 3D) for the specified molecule using Distance Geometry

The following operations are performed (in order) here:

  1. Build a distance bounds matrix based on the topology, including 1-5 distances but not VDW scaling
  2. Triangle smooth this bounds matrix
  3. If step 2 fails - repeat step 1, this time without 1-5 bounds and with vdW scaling, and repeat step 2
  4. Pick a distance matrix at random using the bounds matrix
  5. Compute initial coordinates from the distance matrix
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until maxIterations is reached or embedding is successful
  7. Adjust initial coordinates by minimizing a Distance Violation error function NOTE**: if the molecule has multiple fragments, they will be embedded separately, this means that they will likely occupy the same region of space.
    molMolecule of interest
    maxIterationsMax. number of times the embedding will be tried if coordinates are not obtained successfully. The default value is 10x the number of atoms.
    seedprovides a seed for the random number generator (so that the same coordinates can be obtained for a molecule on multiple runs). If negative, the RNG will not be seeded.
    clearConfsClear all existing conformations on the molecule
    useRandomCoordsStart the embedding from random coordinates instead of using eigenvalues of the distance matrix.
    boxSizeMultDetermines the size of the box that is used for random coordinates. If this is a positive number, the side length will equal the largest element of the distance matrix times boxSizeMult. If this is a negative number, the side length will equal -boxSizeMult (i.e. independent of the elements of the distance matrix).
    randNegEigPicks coordinates at random when a embedding process produces negative eigenvalues
    numZeroFailFail embedding if we find this many or more zero eigenvalues (within a tolerance)
    coordMapa map of int to Point3D, between atom IDs and their locations their locations. If this container is provided, the coordinates are used to set distance constraints on the embedding. The resulting conformer(s) should have distances between the specified atoms that reproduce those between the points in coordMap. Because the embedding produces a molecule in an arbitrary reference frame, an alignment step is required to actually reproduce the provided coordinates.
    optimizerForceTolset the tolerance on forces in the distgeom optimizer (this shouldn't normally be altered in client code).
    ignoreSmoothingFailurestry to embed the molecule even if triangle bounds smoothing fails
    enforceChiralityenforce the correct chirality if chiral centers are present
    useExpTorsionAnglePrefsimpose experimental torsion-angle preferences
    useBasicKnowledgeimpose "basic knowledge" terms such as flat aromatic rings, ketones, etc.
    verboseprint output of experimental torsion-angle preferences
    basinThreshset the basin threshold for the DGeom force field, (this shouldn't normally be altered in client code).
    onlyHeavyAtomsForRMSonly use the heavy atoms when doing RMS filtering
    ETversionversion of torsion preferences to use
    useSmallRingTorsionsoptional torsions to improve small ring conformer sampling
    useMacrocycleTorsionsoptional torsions to improve macrocycle conformer sampling
    useMacrocycle14configIf 1-4 distances bound heuristics for macrocycles is used
    ID of the conformer added to the molecule, -1 if the emdedding failed

Definition at line 304 of file Embedder.h.

References EmbedMolecule().

◆ EmbedMultipleConfs() [1/4]

RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void RDKit::DGeomHelpers::EmbedMultipleConfs ( ROMol mol,
unsigned int  numConfs,
EmbedParameters params 

Embed multiple conformations for a molecule.

Referenced by EmbedMolecule(), EmbedMultipleConfs(), EmbedMultipleConfs(), and EmbedMultipleConfs().

◆ EmbedMultipleConfs() [2/4]

void RDKit::DGeomHelpers::EmbedMultipleConfs ( ROMol mol,
unsigned int  numConfs = 10,
int  numThreads = 1,
unsigned int  maxIterations = 30,
int  seed = -1,
bool  clearConfs = true,
bool  useRandomCoords = false,
double  boxSizeMult = 2.0,
bool  randNegEig = true,
unsigned int  numZeroFail = 1,
double  pruneRmsThresh = -1.0,
const std::map< int, RDGeom::Point3D > *  coordMap = nullptr,
double  optimizerForceTol = 1e-3,
bool  ignoreSmoothingFailures = false,
bool  enforceChirality = true,
bool  useExpTorsionAnglePrefs = false,
bool  useBasicKnowledge = false,
bool  verbose = false,
double  basinThresh = 5.0,
bool  onlyHeavyAtomsForRMS = false,
unsigned int  ETversion = 2,
bool  useSmallRingTorsions = false,
bool  useMacrocycleTorsions = true,
bool  useMacrocycle14config = true,
unsigned int  timeout = 0 

This is kind of equivalent to calling EmbedMolecule multiple times - just that the bounds matrix is computed only once from the topology NOTE**: if the molecule has multiple fragments, they will be embedded separately, this means that they will likely occupy the same region of space.

molMolecule of interest
resUsed to return the resulting conformer ids
numConfsNumber of conformations to be generated
numThreadsSets the number of threads to use (more than one thread will only be used if the RDKit was build with multithread support). If set to zero, the max supported by the system will be used.
maxIterationsMax. number of times the embedding will be tried if coordinates are not obtained successfully. The default value is 10x the number of atoms.
seedprovides a seed for the random number generator (so that the same coordinates can be obtained for a molecule on multiple runs). If negative, the RNG will not be seeded.
clearConfsClear all existing conformations on the molecule
useRandomCoordsStart the embedding from random coordinates instead of using eigenvalues of the distance matrix.
boxSizeMultDetermines the size of the box that is used for random coordinates. If this is a positive number, the side length will equal the largest element of the distance matrix times boxSizeMult. If this is a negative number, the side length will equal -boxSizeMult (i.e. independent of the elements of the distance matrix).
randNegEigPicks coordinates at random when a embedding process produces negative eigenvalues
numZeroFailFail embedding if we find this many or more zero eigenvalues (within a tolerance)
pruneRmsThreshRetain only the conformations out of 'numConfs' after embedding that are at least this far apart from each other. RMSD is computed on the heavy atoms. Pruning is greedy; i.e. the first embedded conformation is retained and from then on only those that are at least pruneRmsThresh away from already retained conformations are kept. The pruning is done after embedding and bounds violation minimization. No pruning by default.
coordMapa map of int to Point3D, between atom IDs and their locations their locations. If this container is provided, the coordinates are used to set distance constraints on the embedding. The resulting conformer(s) should have distances between the specified atoms that reproduce those between the points in coordMap. Because the embedding produces a molecule in an arbitrary reference frame, an alignment step is required to actually reproduce the provided coordinates.
optimizerForceTolset the tolerance on forces in the DGeom optimizer (this shouldn't normally be altered in client code).
ignoreSmoothingFailurestry to embed the molecule even if triangle bounds smoothing fails
enforceChiralityenforce the correct chirality if chiral centers are present
useExpTorsionAnglePrefsimpose experimental torsion-angle preferences
useBasicKnowledgeimpose "basic knowledge" terms such as flat aromatic rings, ketones, etc.
verboseprint output of experimental torsion-angle preferences
basinThreshset the basin threshold for the DGeom force field, (this shouldn't normally be altered in client code).
onlyHeavyAtomsForRMSonly use the heavy atoms when doing RMS filtering
ETversionversion of torsion preferences to use
useSmallRingTorsionsoptional torsions to improve small ring conformer sampling
useMacrocycleTorsionsoptional torsions to improve macrocycle conformer sampling
useMacrocycle14configIf 1-4 distances bound heuristics for macrocycles is used

Definition at line 402 of file Embedder.h.

References EmbedMultipleConfs(), and RDKit::rdvalue_is().

◆ EmbedMultipleConfs() [3/4]

INT_VECT RDKit::DGeomHelpers::EmbedMultipleConfs ( ROMol mol,
unsigned int  numConfs,
EmbedParameters params 

Definition at line 212 of file Embedder.h.

References EmbedMultipleConfs(), and RDKit::rdvalue_is().

◆ EmbedMultipleConfs() [4/4]

INT_VECT RDKit::DGeomHelpers::EmbedMultipleConfs ( ROMol mol,
unsigned int  numConfs = 10,
unsigned int  maxIterations = 30,
int  seed = -1,
bool  clearConfs = true,
bool  useRandomCoords = false,
double  boxSizeMult = 2.0,
bool  randNegEig = true,
unsigned int  numZeroFail = 1,
double  pruneRmsThresh = -1.0,
const std::map< int, RDGeom::Point3D > *  coordMap = nullptr,
double  optimizerForceTol = 1e-3,
bool  ignoreSmoothingFailures = false,
bool  enforceChirality = true,
bool  useExpTorsionAnglePrefs = false,
bool  useBasicKnowledge = false,
bool  verbose = false,
double  basinThresh = 5.0,
bool  onlyHeavyAtomsForRMS = false,
unsigned int  ETversion = 2,
bool  useSmallRingTorsions = false,
bool  useMacrocycleTorsions = false,
bool  useMacrocycle14config = false,
unsigned int  timeout = 0 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 426 of file Embedder.h.

References EmbedMultipleConfs(), and RDKit::rdvalue_is().

◆ initBoundsMat() [1/2]

RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void RDKit::DGeomHelpers::initBoundsMat ( DistGeom::BoundsMatPtr  mmat,
double  defaultMin = 0.0,
double  defaultMax = 1000.0 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ initBoundsMat() [2/2]

RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void RDKit::DGeomHelpers::initBoundsMat ( DistGeom::BoundsMatrix mmat,
double  defaultMin = 0.0,
double  defaultMax = 1000.0 

Set default upper and lower distance bounds in a distance matrix.

mmatpointer to the bounds matrix to be altered
defaultMindefault value for the lower distance bounds
defaultMaxdefault value for the upper distance bounds

◆ setTopolBounds() [1/2]

RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void RDKit::DGeomHelpers::setTopolBounds ( const ROMol mol,
DistGeom::BoundsMatPtr  mmat,
bool  set15bounds = true,
bool  scaleVDW = false,
bool  useMacrocycle14config = false,
bool  forceTransAmides = true 

Set upper and lower distance bounds between atoms in a molecule based on topology

This consists of setting 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 distance based on bond lengths, bond angles and torsion angle ranges. Optionally 1-5 bounds can also be set, in particular, for path that contain rigid 1-4 paths. The final step involves setting lower bound to the sum of the vdW radii for the remaining atom pairs.

molThe molecule of interest
mmatBounds matrix to the bounds are written
set15boundsIf true try to set 1-5 bounds also based on topology
scaleVDWIf true scale the sum of the vdW radii while setting lower bounds so that a smaller value (0.7*(vdw1 + vdw2) ) is used for paths that are less five bonds apart.
useMacrocycle14configIf 1-4 distances bound heuristics for macrocycles is used Note For some strained systems the bounds matrix resulting from setting 1-5 bounds may fail triangle smoothing. In these cases it is recommended to back out and recompute the bounds matrix with no 1-5 bounds and with vdW scaling.

◆ setTopolBounds() [2/2]

RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void RDKit::DGeomHelpers::setTopolBounds ( const ROMol mol,
DistGeom::BoundsMatPtr  mmat,
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &  bonds,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  angles,
bool  set15bounds = true,
bool  scaleVDW = false,
bool  useMacrocycle14config = false,
bool  forceTransAmides = true 

◆ updateEmbedParametersFromJSON()

RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT void RDKit::DGeomHelpers::updateEmbedParametersFromJSON ( EmbedParameters params,
const std::string &  json 

update parameters from a JSON string

Variable Documentation


RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT const EmbedParameters RDKit::DGeomHelpers::ETDG

Parameters corresponding to Sereina Riniker's ETDG approach.



Parameters corresponding to Sereina Riniker's ETKDG approach.


RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT const EmbedParameters RDKit::DGeomHelpers::ETKDGv2

Parameters corresponding to Sereina Riniker's ETKDG approach - version 2.


RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT const EmbedParameters RDKit::DGeomHelpers::ETKDGv3

Parameters corresponding improved ETKDG by Wang, Witek, Landrum and Riniker (10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00025) - the macrocycle part


RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT const EmbedParameters RDKit::DGeomHelpers::KDG

Parameters corresponding to Sereina Riniker's KDG approach.

◆ srETKDGv3

RDKIT_DISTGEOMHELPERS_EXPORT const EmbedParameters RDKit::DGeomHelpers::srETKDGv3

Parameters corresponding improved ETKDG by Wang, Witek, Landrum and Riniker (10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00025) - the small ring part