Open-source cheminformatics and machine learning.
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CRDKit::MolOps::AdjustQueryParametersParameters controlling the behavior of MolOps::adjustQueryProperties
 CRDKit::AromaticAtomIterator_< Atom_, Mol_ >Iterate over aromatic atoms, this is bidirectional
 CForceFields::UFF::AtomicParamsClass to store atomic parameters for the Universal Force Field
 CRDKit::AtomIterator_< Atom_, Mol_ >A general random access iterator
 CRDKit::AtomMonomerInfoThe abstract base class for atom-level monomer info
 CBitVectAbstract base class for storing BitVectors
 CRDKit::BondIterator_Iterator for a molecule's bonds, currently BiDirectional, but it theoretically ought to be RandomAccess
 CRDKit::CartesianProductIterate through all possible permutations of the rgroups
 CRDCatalog::Catalog< entryType, paramType >Abstract base class for a catalog object
 CRDCatalog::CatalogEntryAbstract base class to be used to represent an entry in a Catalog
 CRDCatalog::CatalogParamsAbstract base class for the container used to create a catalog
 CRDKit::charptr_functorFunctor for comparing two strings
 CChemicalFeatures::ChemicalFeatureAbstract base class for chemical feature
 CDistGeom::ChiralSetClass used to store a quartet of points and chiral volume bounds on them
 CRDKit::CIPLabeler::CIPMolSpan< T, U >::CIPMolIter
 CRDKit::CIPLabeler::CIPMolSpan< T, U >
 CRDKit::ConstBondIterator_Const iterator for a molecule's bonds, currently BiDirectional, but it theoretically ought to be RandomAccess
 CRDMIF::CoulombClass for calculation of electrostatic interaction (Coulomb energy) between probe and molecule in vacuum (no dielectric)
 CRDMIF::CoulombDielectricClass for calculation of electrostatic interaction (Coulomb energy) between probe and molecule by taking a distance-dependent dielectric into account:
 CRDKit::Descriptors::CrippenParamCollectionSingleton class for retrieving Crippen parameters
 CRDKit::Descriptors::CrippenParamsClass used to store Crippen parameters
 CRDKit::CXXAtomIterator< Graph, Vertex, Iterator >::CXXAtomIter
 CRDKit::CXXAtomIterator< Graph, Vertex, Iterator >
 CRDKit::CXXBondIterator< Graph, Edge, Iterator >::CXXBondIter
 CRDKit::CXXBondIterator< Graph, Edge, Iterator >
 CRDKit::DictThe Dict class can be used to store objects of arbitrary type keyed by strings
 CRDKit::DiscreteValueVectClass for efficiently storing vectors of discrete values
 CRDPickers::DistPickerAbstract base class to do perform item picking (typically molecules) using a distance matrix
 CRDDepict::EmbeddedAtomClass that contains the data for an atoms that has already been embedded
 CRDDepict::EmbeddedFragClass containing a fragment of a molecule that has already been embedded
 CRDKit::DGeomHelpers::EmbedParametersParameter object for controlling embedding
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CForceFields::CrystalFF::ExpTorsionAngleA structure used to the experimental torsion patterns
 CRDKit::FilterMatchHolds the atomPairs matched by the underlying matcher
 CRDKit::FingerprintArgumentsAbstract base class that holds molecule independent arguments that are common amongst all fingerprint types and classes inherited from this would hold fingerprint type specific arguments
 CRDKit::FingerprintFuncArgumentsStruct that makes calling the fingerprint generation functions easier
 CForceFields::ForceFieldA class to store forcefields and handle minimization
 CForceFields::ForceFieldContribAbstract base class for contributions to ForceFields
 CRDKit::FPBReaderClass for reading and searching FPB files
 CRDKit::FPHolderBaseBase FPI for the fingerprinter used to rule out impossible matches
 CRDGeom::Grid3D< VectorType, ValueType1, ValueType2 >Virtual base class for a grid object
 CRDGeom::Grid3D< RDKit::DiscreteValueVect, int, unsigned int >
 CRDGeom::Grid3D< RDKit::RealValueVect, double, double >
 CRDMIF::HBondClass for calculation of hydrogen bond potential between probe and molecule
 CRDKit::HeteroatomIterator_< Atom_, Mol_ >Iterate over heteroatoms, this is bidirectional
 CRDMIF::HydrophilicClass for calculation of hydrophilic field of molecule
 CQueries::Int2Type< v >Class to allow integer values to pick templates
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 CRDKit::larger_of< T >Functor for returning the larger of two values
 CRDPickers::LeaderPickerState< T >
 CRDKit::ltDoubleFunctor to compare two doubles with a tolerance
 CRDKit::MatchingAtomIterator_< Atom_, Mol_ >Iterate over atoms matching a query function. This is bidirectional
 CRDNumeric::Matrix< TYPE >A matrix class for general, non-square matrices
 CRDNumeric::Matrix< double >
 CRDDataManip::MetricMatrixCalc< vectType, entryType >A generic metric matrix calculator (e.g similarity matrix or distance matrix)
 CForceFields::MMFF::MMFFAngleClass to store MMFF parameters for angle bending
 CForceFields::MMFF::MMFFBondClass to store MMFF parameters for bond stretching
 CForceFields::MMFF::MMFFDefClass to store MMFF atom type equivalence levels
 CForceFields::MMFF::MMFFOopClass to store MMFF parameters for out-of-plane bending
 CForceFields::MMFF::MMFFPBCIClass to store MMFF Partial Bond Charge Increments
 CForceFields::MMFF::MMFFPropClass to store MMFF Properties
 CForceFields::MMFF::MMFFStbnClass to store MMFF parameters for stretch-bending
 CForceFields::MMFF::MMFFTorClass to store MMFF parameters for torsions
 CForceFields::MMFF::MMFFVdWClass to store MMFF parameters for non-bonded Van der Waals
 CRDKit::MolChemicalFeatureFactoryThe class for finding chemical features in molecules
 CRDKit::MolDraw2DMolDraw2D is the base class for doing 2D renderings of molecules
 CRDKit::MolEnumerator::MolEnumeratorOpAbstract base class for the a molecule enumeration operation
 CRDKit::MolEnumerator::MolEnumeratorParamsParameters used to control the molecule enumeration
 CRDKit::MolHolderBaseBase class API for holding molecules to substructure search
 CRDKit::MolPicklerHandles pickling (serializing) molecules
 CRDKit::Canon::MolStackElemThese are the actual elements in the molecular stack
 CRDKit::Canon::MolStackUnionUsed to store components in the molecular stack
 CRDKit::MultiFPBReaderClass for reading and searching multiple FPB files
 CRDKit::MolStandardize::NormalizerFor applying Normalization transforms
 CForceFields::UFF::ParamCollectionSingleton class for retrieving UFF AtomParams
 CRDKit::PeriodicTableSingleton class for retrieving information about atoms
 CRDKit::Descriptors::PropertiesHolds a collection of properties for computation purposes
 CPySequenceHolder< T >Class to hold sequences (lists, tuples, arrays, etc.) passed from Python -> C++
 CQueries::Query< MatchFuncArgType, DataFuncArgType, needsConversion >Base class for all queries
 CQueries::Query< int, Atom const *, needsConversion >
 CQueries::Query< int, ConstAtomPtr, needsConversion >
 CQueries::Query< int, TargetPtr, needsConversion >
 CQueries::Query< MatchFuncArgType, MatchFuncArgType, false >
 CQueries::Query< MatchFuncArgType, MatchFuncArgType, needsConversion >
 CRDKit::QueryAtomIterator_< Atom_, Mol_ >Iterate over atoms matching a query. This is bidirectional
 CRDKit::RCoreRCore is the core common to a series of molecules
 CRDKit::ReactionPicklerHandles pickling (serializing) reactions
 CRDKit::RGroupDataA single rgroup attached to a given core
 CRDKit::RGroupMatchRGroupMatch is the decomposition for a single molecule
 CRDKit::SparseIntVect< IndexType >Class for efficiently storing sparse vectors of ints
 CRDKit::StructureCheck::StructCheckerClass for performing structure validation and cleanup
 CRDKit::SubstructLibrarySubstructure Search a library of molecules
 CRDNumeric::SymmMatrix< TYPE >A symmetric matrix class
 CRDKit::FMCS::TArray2D< T >
 CRDKit::FMCS::TArray2D< bool >
 CRDKit::MolStandardize::TautomerEnumeratorResultContains results of tautomer enumeration
 CForceFields::UFF::UFFAngleClass to store UFF parameters for angle bending
 CForceFields::UFF::UFFBondClass to store UFF parameters for bond stretching
 CForceFields::UFF::UFFInvClass to store UFF parameters for inversions
 CForceFields::UFF::UFFTorClass to store UFF parameters for torsions
 CForceFields::UFF::UFFVdWClass to store UFF parameters for van der Waals interactions
 CRDKit::MolStandardize::UnchargerFor neutralizing ionized acids and bases
 CRDMIF::VdWaalsAbstract class for calculation of Van der Waals interaction between probe and molecule at gridpoint pt
 CRDNumeric::Vector< TYPE >A class to represent vectors of numbers
 CRDCatalog::HierarchCatalog< entryType, paramType, orderType >::vertex_entry_tUsed by the BGL to set up the node properties in our graph